OpenWetWare:Software/Projects/Lab Notebooks

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Lab Notebooks

Initial Discussion: Friday October 5, 2007

  • Will post details on my deliverables later this week.

Set up meeting to discuss next steps re: feature development

Initial Discussion: Wednesday January 9, 2008

Current Status

  • Worked with Jason on a new model
    • Based upon Austin's model
      • Uses DPL
      • Plan to move to Semantic MW
      • Austin's model used a project form with a date header
      • Jason's model permits entry by date
        • Splits dates into project views
        • Projects are based on main page
        • Projects creaetd using a template and "create box"
        • All Entry pages (by date) can be accessed from the Project view
        • Currently uses an intermediate file to rewrite entries as they are created
        • DPL allows these pages to be viewed in a clean format
        • Currently finishing mods Jason and I agreed to on 1/8/2008

Lab Notebook Overview

1/23/08 Meeting

  • Autocreate new lab notebook (Notebook:Username) before user enters the page
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Autocreate new projects (Notebook:Username/Projects) before user is redirected to the page

  • New format for page names - Lab Notebook:Username/YYYY/MM/DD
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • New Namespace for all lab notebooks
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Allow users to modify base project format new projects
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Allow users to modify base entry format new entries
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Initialization of documents so you don't need to save twice
    • --wjf 15:24, 29 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Correcting navigation so multiple notebooks in the same namespace can exist
    • --wjf 23:19, 28 January 2008 (CST)Done
  • Special page with form for adding a new entry
    • after the above items are finished.
  • Lab notebook icons all are now enabled as clickable navigation links back to the top of the Notebook namespace.
  • Lab notebook has been changed to a new namespace. Former: "Lab notebook". New: "Notebook".
  • Fix formatting of the display of each entry.
  • Modify calendar to have <<last and next>> navigation (I have a working prototype)
  • wjf 09:36, 4 February 2008 (CST):Added Lab Notebook Template Documentation page

Lab Notebook Template Definitions