OpenDocProject:DC CollectionPolicy/2010/09/10

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  • Nic Weber 15:51, 10 September 2010 (EDT):Received email from Ruth Duerr at Snow and Ice Lab this afternoon, she supplied Data Management plan that I'm going to expliccate below.
  • Outlines elements of the Data Management Plan: acquiring, accessing, managing, distributing, and archiving data and metadata.
  • This is done in support of it's mission: NSIDC/WDC will make fundamental contributions to cryospheric science and will excel in managing data and

disseminating information in order to advance understanding of the Earth system.

  • In collection scope section, makes a point to acknowledge that NSIDC serves dual function of archiving inactive material, and acting a trusted place of deposit for ongoing data collection. (Note DC should make some distinction about "active" and "inactive" holdings in our collection)
  • Further, NSIDC is based on traditional archival principles such as:
    • Archival records exist to be used, not merely saved for their own sake.
    • Some records ought to be preserved long-term, even after their immediate usefulness has passed.
    • Archival records ought to be preserved as completely and coherently as possible, including critical

information about context and connections.

    • Archival records ought to be organized properly and in a timely way so they can be used.
    • Sensitive information and information given in situations presumed to be private should be protected from

use as long as that sensitivity remains.

    • Archivists should administer their collections equitably and impartially.
    • Archival repositories ought to cooperate in preserving historical records.[2]
  • Program Coordination Board is responsible for arranging and negotiating deposit from research projects happening in domains of interest. (We should discuss the make up and logistics of this board with Ruth in future. )

(I'll refer to section numbers from this point forward for clarity's sake)

  • Nic Weber 15:51, 10 September 2010 (EDT):1.4 Charges Deputy Director with obligation for annual update of the policy.... to be reviewed from groups throughout the center.

2.0 Data can be both solicited and tendered as the result of official program agreements, formal and informal PI relationships, data rescue projects, and data exchanges

'Solicitation Policy' 'NSIDC and the programs that make up NSIDC actively solicit new data sets for archival and distribution. NSIDC's collection scope to "archive both cryospheric data and data from programs or instruments deemed of importance to the cryospheric community," requires NSIDC to be an active collector of new data and data sets that are gathered or discovered.' Goes on to describe places of solicitation.

(this sort of solicitation statement could also be very useful for DC. important to note that each section depends on the initial mission statement for motivation.

2.2 Data Submission (unsolicited) When a data submission form has been received by NSIDC for a data set not covered by any specific Program, the Program Coordination Board (PCB) with relevant User Services and scientific input decides whether to accept the data and assigns a point of contact for the data.

(DC should disseminate some of this same language in our own policy. Especially what that process, step by step, looks like.)

4.0 Data Format Standards "If data to be accepted by NSIDC are not in a preferred format, the relevant program or designated point of contact should review the costs of conversion to a preferred format to ensure consistency, availability and long-term access."

( acknowledging a sliding scale for the cost of ingest is very important to document somewhere in our policy, as well as what the metrics for evaluating an ingest will be. Not all of that documentation should be public, but this is definitely a best practice)

  • Deed of Gift: For unsolicited deposits. Should be brokered between a repo manager and depositor. (Emailing Ruth for copy of NSIDC's)
  • 8.0 Data Deletion

8.0 Data Deletion and Retirement The possibility of future data retirement or deletion must be covered with the contributing agency or individual at the time of data donation. Procedures for disposition of new data sets and reasons for retirement must be in writing and signed off by both the contributor and an NSIDC representative. Policies may differ according to program. Programs are encouraged to negotiate agreements with their sponsors and/or contributors to develop data deletion procedures for data held at NSIDC. Reasons for retirement of data might include data that have no historical value or data that have been archived for the longterm at another repository.