OSDDMalaria:OSDD Malaria Meeting Sydney 2012

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Open Source Drug Discovery for Malaria - February 24th 2012

There will be a one-day meeting on Open Source Drug Discovery for Malaria at The University of Sydney, 24th February 2012. Rather than a series of presentations, this meeting will be run unconference style, driven by what people wish to discuss. An approximate schedule is shown below, detailing the questions we need to answer during the day. The meeting will be live streamed, and archived. Anyone watching can ask questions or comment via their web browser.

This link will take you to the live feed when the conference is running: http://bit.ly/OSDDmeeting

Please note that this meeting will be broadcast live, and anyone may input - either on the streaming site above, or using the Twitter hashtag #osddmalaria

However, the views expressed during the day should be taken as those of the individuals and not of the organizations they represent.

This event is made possible by financial support from the University of Sydney's International Program Development Fund and the Medicines for Malaria Venture, as well as logistical support from the School of Chemistry at The University of Sydney.

Location Information

The meeting will take place in Lecture Theatre 106 in the New Law building on the main Camperdown campus of The University of Sydney. An internal map of the building is here (PDF). Convenient parking is available, but please contact Mat Todd if this is needed.


9 start Welcome by Mat Todd and opening remarks by Mary O'Kane, NSW Chief Scientist.
Morning session 1: What is the current status of drug discovery and development (with some focus on malaria)? Sessions to be led by Mary Moran, Luigi Palombi and Hazel Moir.
11 Coffee
Morning session 2: What is the scientific and economic case for open source drug discovery? Mat Todd and his team will describe what open science is, and how it can be done. Richard Jefferson will demo the patent lens. Nico Adams and Andrew Treloar will lead a discussion on open data.
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon session 1: What are the most significant types of drugs needed for the treatment of malaria? Paul Willis will lead a survey of current treatments and MMV's hit-to-lead criteria. Stuart Ralph will describe which screening approaches could become standard for an open drug discovery project.
3 Coffee
Afternoon session 2: Which compounds should we pursue? Who should do it? How? Saman Habib will describe the OSDDm project in India, centered at CDRI Lucknow.
5 Drinks and dinner

Sessions will broadly address these questions:


  • How is it best to share chemical and biological data in an open project?
  • What technical barriers prevent open science?
  • Which licence governs an open source drug discovery project?
  • What psychological/professional/economic barriers are there to open science?
  • Is there a danger that open source drug discovery can be hijacked by people taking all the data and patenting them?
  • Who might participate?
  • Who will fund later stages such as clinical trials?
  • Who will manufacture open drugs?


  • Is the GSK arylpyrrole set the best set of compounds to start with?
  • What other compounds are promising starting point? Who might want to work on those compounds?
  • For hit-to-lead, what data are typically needed, and from which assays? What criteria do we apply to compounds as they progress through such assays?
  • Do we only want to look at compounds with both blood and liver stage activity? (e.g. those in recent Novartis screen) How can we access liver stage viability assays?
  • Do we want compounds with cross-species activity, e.g. HAT/Chagas. Can we mine this information from e.g. Chembl?

To suggest questions/sessions of interest, please modify this page directly (getting an OWW account is very easy) or contact Mat Todd.



Potential Invitees

Possibly interesting list maintained here

