Moore Notes 1 11 08 Ichat Notes

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Jessica, Katie and Jonathan had a joint meeting on 1_11_08 via Ichat

It took a bit to get Ichat up and running but now it is all set up

We identified a few items to work on for the next week

  • Making sure we have an account # at Davis - Jonathan contacted Gail Setka by email to ask
  • Coming up with an acronym for the project - this was taked to Jonathan
  • The job ad
    • Jonathan will revise
    • Katie will get a gmail account
    • Jessica will check with U Oregon about rules
    • We need to come up with a list of places to post
  • Setting up accounts on the Eisen lab wiki
    • Jonathan contacted Dongying about this
  • Using the GC portal for job interviews
    • Katie? will look into this