Moore Notes 10 14 08

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PI skype video chat (JG and KP)

  • OWW website: Steve will
    • look into photo images from Dennis Kunkel
    • add calendar (as a menu link)
    • revise menu links: Transfer relevant information from Jonathan's wiki over to the openwetware page, fold "internal page" and "private page" into one link (which will be our private openwetware page)
    • put a link to Jonathan's blog under "News" (we'll add more here soon)
    • fix typos
    • identify investigators vs. collaborators on "People" page
  • Discussion of pros and cons of purchasing a computer cluster for Oregon
    • vs. using UC Davis based resources
    • JG will check with JE re: accounts for her lab
  • Personnel update
    • Josh Ladau, Steve Kembel, Sam Riesenfeld all starting soon
  • Multiple sequence alignment tutorial
    • JG has url where clone library sequence info can be taken directly from MSU
    • Will contact Srijak to see if he wants to start working with these