Molecular Translational Medicine - People

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Professor Philip Day

I am currently a PI at the MIB and Senior Lecturer in Genomics at the Medical Faculty, and was appointed Director of Technology in CIGMR in 2004. In the same year I was elected to Fellow of the Royal Society for Chemistry. I overlook the operation of the Transcriptomics Unit that houses gene array and real-time PCR hardware. My research team comprises 3 postdocs, one EO, 4 MSc students and 14 PhD students and have successfully supervised 12 higher degree students, attracting funding for studies in the UK and also at the University of Dortmund where I hold the Chair in Applied Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. I am the Director of the MRes in Translational Medicine. I have published over 40 papers in research areas that aim to correlate innovative quantitative measurements of genes and transcripts to meaningful biomedical interpretation. In this context, I have contributed to interdisciplinary teams at the UoM and UoD who are leaders in the field of miniaturised in vitro gene amplification, where DNA polymerases have been used in PCR and WGA, achieving reproducible and highly efficient activity. These developments have been incorporated into copy number studies related to the distribution of transcripts and aneuploidy within populations of single cells to decipher the complex make-up of heterogeneous clinical samples.

In addition, working agreements are held with CSEM, Neuchatel, CH; Epigem, Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK; Smiths Detection Systems, Watford, UK; Qiagen, Germany; Febit, Mannheim, Germany, and Lighthouse Laboratories Limited, Brisbane, Australia (scientific advisory board member). I was a member of the expert Advisory Board Member, Bioarray Europe in 2005, and am a reviewer for Royal Society and other Journals.

Professor Philip Day - Publications

Professor Philip Day - Presentations

PhD Students

Saeed Al-Dossari

I received a Bachelor of science degree in Clinical Laboratory Science from King Saud University, College of Applied Medical Science, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, I did a one year internship at King Khalid University Hospital in Riyadh and I worked for six months in the clinical microbiology laboratory in the same hospital. I was successful in obtaining a full scholarship from the Saudi Arabian government for my MSc and PhD degrees at the University of Manchester. My MSc was in Medical and Molecular Microbiology from the University of Manchester. In January 2007, I started my PhD under the supervision of Dr Philip Day and my project investigates hepatitis C pathogenesis in liver disease.

Saeed Al-Dossari - Publications

Saeed Al-Dossari - Presentations

Mr Duncan Ayers

BPharm(Hons.) MRPharmS MSc

Background: Pharmacist

Undergraduate University: University of Malta

Previous postgraduate work / experiences: In 2005 I graduated from the University of Manchester with a Master’s degree in Immunology & Immunogenetics. I have worked in Philip Day’ as research group during my Master’s project, and am now pursuing a PhD under his supervision. My main interest in this project is the possible utilization of microarray technology for perfecting RNAi therapy and drug development in neuroblastoma. I have also been appointed as honorary visiting lecturer in pharmacogenetics at the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology at the University of Malta.

Mr Duncan Ayers - Publications

Mr Duncan Ayers - Presentations

Miss Lindsey Maccoux

Originally from Wisconsin, USA where I obtained a BSc in Biology and Chemistry from 2000-2004. In 2005, I moved to England and studied at the University of Manchester on the Immunology and Immunogenetics master’s programme. As part of my MSc research, identified new reference genes for genetic expression analysis. Following the completion of my MSc in the fall of 2006, I began my PhD research at the Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS) in Dortmund, Germany under the supervision of Prof. Philip J. Day. My research is focused on quantitative analysis of nucleic acids in single cells. Currently, RT-qPCR is used to measure the average gene expression of a particular sample as a whole. This study will utilise new technology to develop an innovative way of measuring gene expression at the single cell level. A variety of novel techniques will be utilized to carry out studies, including quantitative-PCR.

Lindsey Maccoux - Publications

Lindsey Maccoux - Presentations

Alessandro Nasti

Alessandro Nasti is PhD student in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and he is hosted at University of Manchester working under the supervision of Prof. Nicola Tirelli and Senior Lecturer Philip Day. He received is MPharm from the University of Naples in 2004. In 2005 he obtained the qualification for the Profession of Pharmacist. In November 2005 he started his PhD maintained as main target the drug delivery development. He is working specifically on the formulation of nanoparticles for gene therapy.

Mr Alessandro Nasti - Publications

Mr Alessandro Nasti - Presentations

MSc Students

Dr Rania Bagabir

I have a MB ChB degree from Dubai Medical Collage in United Arab of Emirates. I have also completed an internship programme at The University Hospital and King Abdul-Aziz Hospital in Saudi Arabia in 2003.

I am currently completing an MSc in Immunology and Immunogenetic at The University of Manchester. As a part of this master’s degree, I am investigating methods of accurately extracting RNA and to measure the differences in gene expressions under the supervision of Dr. Philip Day and Dr. Dylan Clements.

Dr Rania Bagabir - Publications

Dr Rania Bagabir - Presentations

Barbara Shih

In 2002, whilst at school, during a one-month placement, I was inspired to do further studies in the area of molecular and cellular biology. I completed my BSc at the University of Manchester in Cell Biology in 2006 and am doing a Master’s degree in Immunology and Immunogenetics, at the University of Manchester. I am currently doing a 5-month project under the supervision of Dr Philip Day. The aim of my project is to devise a way of detecting RNA degradation by using multiplex PCR to determine whether there is a change of ratio in the different regions of a reference gene.

Barbara Shih - Publications

Barbara Shih - Presentations