Mimulus Community
The Mimulus Community
This Wiki page has not been updated since 2009.
- The Mimulus guttatus IM62 genome assembly and preliminary annotation is now available for search and download from Phytozome.
- Download the contact info for people who attended the 2007 Mimulus meeting in Durham, NC.
- There are now 436 Mimulus populations currently stored at the Duke University Seed Stock Center, as of March 2009
The Genus Mimulus
The genus Mimulus (historically "Scrophulariaceae," order Lamiales) has been a model plant system for ecological and evolutionary genetics for over 50 years (Vickery, 1951).
- Check out the poster of the phylogeny of the Mimulus genus.
- Read a recent review about Mimulus as an emerging model system for the integration of ecological and genomic studies.
- See descriptions of Mimulus Species
The Mimulus Genome
The Joint Genome Institute (JGI/DOE) completed 7X coverage of the Mimulus genome in Spring 2007. An assembly of the 7x genome was completed in Summer 2008. Members of the Mimulus Community are currently annotating the Genome and working on a final assembly of the sequenced scaffolds. The Mimulus Genome can be accessed though Phytozome.
Seed Collections
Duke University is now the home to the collection of seeds from over 425 populations of Mimulus. The seed collections are primarily composed of seeds from within the Mimulus guttatus complex. Most of these seeds can be made available for upon request. Please allow a few weeks for orders to be fulfilled. Mimulus collections list