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Category (2) is a competition for an SfGS micro-grant. The winner will be awarded somewhere on the order of $250 to get their project started or continue with an on-going idea. Because many other competitions also exist at MIT (IDEAS, 100K, etc.), we will NOT award funds for projects which we think will be funded under already existing competitions. The judges will be MIT staff, faculty, and students who have some knowledge of the MIT sustainability iniatives already happening at MIT. Besides their role as judges, they will also be available to provide helpful contacts and suggestions to get your ideas off the ground or help you move towards that next step. If you have already finished a project and would like to showcase it, please submit under category (1)

Submissions for this section can be posters, 3D displays or any other way you would like to convey your idea. In order to have the necessary equipment for your to present your idea and to be able to better judge how well your idea fits our criteria, we request that you submit the following

to ashapiro@whoi.edu by Friday, 2 March

1. Name:

2. Co-authors:

3. Title:

4. One paragraph abstract about the idea you will be presenting:

5. Indicate this is a category (2) submission

6. Equipment needed (poster board, table, electrical outlet, etc.)

7. Most importantly, please attach an itemized budget of how you would spend your micro-grant (flight for that very important contact, materials, publicity, food for mixer..). Please be advised, we can not reimburse any speaker fees or other 'non-tangible' items, for which you would not receive a receipt.

The judging criteria we will be using are the following:

1. How far does your idea go towards helping the MIT and local community become more sustainable? What is the degree of positive impact?

2. How original is your idea in the field of sustainability?

3. How much will our micro-grant help you get your idea started? (Our preference is towards less developed projects. If you the idea you submit is already well funded, we will be less likely to fund your idea.)

4. How feasible is your idea for the time frame you will be at MIT?

5. What is the potential for your idea to become a societal norm?

6. How well can you describe concrete action steps towards making your idea a reality?

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