Maloof Lab:Cristina Nieto Garcia

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Section of Plant Biology
1002 Life Sciences, One Shields Ave.
University of California Davis
Davis, CA 95616


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Cristina Nieto Garcia
  • Cristina Nieto Garcia
  • visiting scholar
  • University of California Davis
  • 1 Shields Avenue
  • Davis, CA, USA.
  • Email:

I am a postdoctoral researcher of Dr. Salomé Prat group at the National Center of Biotechnology (Madrid, Spain) where I work in a project related to the control of cell elongation: cross-talk regulation of clock, hormonal and light signalling pathways. I am a visiting scholar at the University of California Davis to study the diurnal growth rates of mutant Arabidopsis lines.


  • 2006 Ph. D. in Molecular Plant Pathology. CEBAS-CSIC (Spain) and INRA-URGV (France). European Doctorate Mention.
  • 2003 Master in Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Resources. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • 2001 Degree in Agricultural Engeneering. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)


  • Nieto, C., Rodríguez-Moreno, L., Rodríguez-Hernández, AM, Aranda, MA. and Truniger, V. Nicotiana benthamiana resistance to non-adapted Melon necrotic spot virus results from an incompatible interaction between virus RNA and translation initiation factor 4E. The Plant Journal (2011) 66, 492-501
  • Truniger, V., Nieto, C., González-Ibeas, D. y Aranda, M.A. Mechanism of plant eIF4E-mediated resistance against a Carmovirus (Tombusviridae): Cap-independent translation of a viral RNA controlled in cis by an (a)virulence determinant. The Plant Journal (2008) 56, 716-727.
  • Nieto, C., Piron, F., Dalmais, M., Marco, CF, Moriones, E., Gomez-Guillamon, M.L., Truniger, V., Gomez, P., Garcia-Mas, J., Aranda, M.A. y Bendahmane, A. EcoTILLING for the identification of allelic variants of melon eIF4E, a factor that controls virus susceptibility. BMC Plant Biology (2007) 48, 34.
  • Nieto, C., Morales, M., Orjeda, G. Clepet, C., Monfort, A., Sturbois, B., Puigdomènech, P., Dogimont, C., García-Mas, J., Aranda, M.A. y Bendahmane, A. An eIF4E allele confers resistance against an uncapped and non-polyadenylated RNA virus in melon. The Plant Journal (2006) 48, 452-462.
  • Morales, M., Orjeda, G., Nieto, C., Van Leeuwen,H., Charpentier, M., Monfort, A., Arús, P. Puigdomènech, P., Pitrat, M., Aranda, M.A., Dogimont, C., Bendahmane, A. y Garcia-Mas , J. A physical map covering the nsv locus that confers resistance to Melon necrotic spot virus in melon (Cucumis melo L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2005) 11, 914-922.
  • Díaz, J.A., Truniger, V., Nieto, C., Garcia-Mas, J., Bendahmane A. y Aranda, M.A Advances in understanding recessive resistance to plant virus. Molecular Plant Pathology (2004) 5, 223-233.
  • Díaz, J. A., Nieto, C., Moriones, E., Truniger, V. y Aranda, M.A. Molecular characterization of a Melon necrotic spot virus strain that overcomes the resistance in melon and non-host plants. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2004)17, 668-675.
  • Díaz, J. A., Nieto, C., Moriones, E. y Aranda, M.A. Spanish Melon necrotic spot virus isolate overcomes the resistance conferred by the recessive nsv gene of melon. Plant Disease (2002) 86, 694.
  • Book chapters

J. García-Más, C. Nieto, M. Morales and M.A. Aranda (2007). Identificación y caracterización de genes de resistencia a virus fitopatógenos en especies de interés agronómico. En “Herramientas Biotecnológicas en Fitopatología”. Eds. Pallás, V., Rodríguez-Palenzuela, P., Escobar, C., and Marcos, J. F. Editorial MundiPrensa, Madrid (Spain).

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