Kubke Lab:/Notebook/Cranial nerve development/2011/01/20

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General Entries

  • Added comments and corrections to RC009 records Please review.
  • I have reviewed and added comments to the entries of the Journal - Please make sure you address them. Most of them will probably be addressed once you create your embryo record pages.
  • Please remember that you need to add the dates to your procedures, otherwise it is not possible to link the journal entries with the actual data entries.
  • Please notice that I have changed the names of some of the pages to adhere to a logical naming system and to be coherent with existing lab conventions. If your page name has been changed, you will be redirected.

When starting an embryo page please name it as:


Please do not add hyphens to your embryo number either in the page or when referring to them on your entries. A consistent naming convention makes it easier to find things through the search engine. I have added your embryos to a record table on the recods page (Kubke_Lab:Research/CND/Records), please make sure you create the pages and link those through the table.

When referring to a stage please always use STXX rather than just the number, so that the records can be searched efficiently.

Please also note I added another field in the embryo template: Material label and storage: Please make sure you add this to your existing pages

Personal Entries


  • 9.00 AM to 11.30 AM : Staging with Reuben as described below. I also prepared MH007 to cut . It was cryoprotected however it was put into saline to confirm staging. Fabiana advised that the embryo would no longer be cryoprotected--Malisha Hettiarachchi 17:37, 19 January 2011 (EST).
  • Nissl stained MH006 sections cut yesterday. The unstained tissue had very poor quality but the slides were stained to assess the quality of gelatin subbed slides as well as to determine what sort of damage was present i.e large holes/crystals or tears etc.--Malisha Hettiarachchi 16:54, 3 February 2011 (EST)
  • Will be joining Reuben to cut the embryo RC015 at 1.15 PM in the mean time I will be at lunch --Malisha Hettiarachchi 18:40, 19 January 2011 (EST).
  • Reuben and I alternatively cut sections of RC015 --Malisha Hettiarachchi 15:05, 23 January 2011 (EST).
(Note: Cut which embryo?--MF Kubke 06:10, 20 January 2011 (EST))- Changed have been made --Malisha Hettiarachchi 16:54, 3 February 2011 (EST)


  • 8:30am-9:30am Used the dissection microscope to try dissect the embryo RC008.
    • Worked alongside the Kuratani 1991 paper to see if I could see the things they described in the paper.
(Note: Please provide full reference and make sure it is added to the journal club page--MF Kubke 06:14, 20 January 2011 (EST))
  • 9:30am Asked Malisha to stage the embryo RC007 to confirm or change my staging (ST19).
    • Malisha confirmed agreed with my staging and furthermore following a discussion we agreed that the head region was tending towards stage ST19 whilst the tail region we thought showed more stage ST20 characteristics. Since we are focusing on the hindbrain, the staging was confirmed at ST19. --Malisha Hettiarachchi 17:36, 19 January 2011 (EST)
    • Unfortunately the embryo (RC007) was sucked up by the vacuum whilst Malisha was severing the embryo she plans to cut today and so another embryo was taken.
(Note: Which, RC007? --MF Kubke 06:14, 20 January 2011 (EST))
  • 10:00am Malisha is staging the embryo. She staged it at ST19 RC015 before she sections her embryo.--Malisha Hettiarachchi 17:36, 19 January 2011 (EST)
  • 10:15am I staged the embryo at ST21 RC015
  • 11:00am Fabiana staged the embryo at ST20+ (ST20-21)RC015.
(Note: What was the stage?--MF Kubke 06:14, 20 January 2011 (EST))
  • 11:30am Preparing the embryo (RC015) for sectioning in the cryostat. --Reuben Cutfield 18:10, 19 January 2011 (EST)
  • 12:15pm Began incubating the embryo (RC015) on a chuck, fully covered in OCT, in the metallic chuck holder. Slicing will begin at 1:15pm--Reuben Cutfield 18:37, 19 January 2011 (EST)
    • Going for Lunch will be back before 1:15pm.
  • 1:15-5:45pm Cryostat sectioning with Malisha of embryo RC015 (ST20 +).--Reuben Cutfield 23:41, 19 January 2011 (EST)


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