Kubke Lab:/Notebook/Cranial nerve development/2010/12/15

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General Entries

I will be unavailable most of the day

  • I will be off at meetings all day - May be able to pop in and out a couple of times during the day though. --MF Kubke 19:36, 13 December 2010 (EST)

Journal Club:

Papers to discuss in the journal club.

Other related reading (not to be discussed in the journal club)

  • J. M. Sprague, “Interaction of Cortex and Superior Colliculus in Mediation of Visually Guided Behavior in the Cat,” Science 153, no. 3743 (9, 1966): 1544-1547.
  • Alan C Rosenquist and S Murray Sherman, “JAMES MATHER SPRAGUE 1916– 2002” (National Academy of Sciences USA, Washington DC, 2007).

Personal Entries


  • Worked from home and did readings in order to determine experimental approach--Malisha Hettiarachchi 15:26, 15 December 2010 (EST).


9:00am Attended the lab meeting (Journal Club) in which Fabiana presented the aforementioned papers. 10:00am Met up with Malisha and Fabiana to discuss the results from Malisha's sectioning on Monday and Tuesday. Discussed Malisha's leaving arrangements.