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December 2012
The Kreeger lab's work was recently profiled by the WI Public News Service. See link for full story.

November 2012
Congratulations to Dawn Tian for receiving a Great Lakes National Scholarship!

October 2012
Congratulations to the Kreeger lab for being awarded a Research Scholars Grant from the American Cancer Society link

September 2012
Congratulations to Danielle Bourgeois for successfully defending her PhD proposal.

August 2012
Congratulations to Chloe Kim for winning a fellowship from the UW graduate school and to Molly Carroll for winning a Holton graduate fellowship.

May 2012
Congratulations to Greg Czaplewski for receiving his MS degree.

January 2012
Congratulations to Dawn Tian for successfully defending her PhD proposal.

June 2011
Congratulations to Rexxi Prasasya (MS, BME) and Katie Pollock (BS, BME) on their graduations.

August 2010
Congratulations to Danielle Bourgeois for winning a Holton graduate fellowship.

April 2010
Congratulations to Dawn Tian for receiving a NSF GRFP Honorable Mention.

March 2010
The Kreeger lab was awarded a NSF CAREER - "Quantitative Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals"

December 2009
The Kreeger lab was awarded a Veritas luminometer by Turner Biosciences.