Kreeger:Lab Members

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Pamela Kreeger
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1550 Engineering Drive, ECB 2154
Madison, WI

kreeger at wisc dot edu

Graduate Students

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Anthony Berger
Biomedical Engineering
PhD Program (2nd year)
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Angiogenesis
Danielle Bourgeois
Biomedical Engineering
PhD Program (4th year)
ErbB/IGF Crosstalk in Ovarian Cancer
Molly Carroll
Biomedical Engineering
PhD Program (2nd year)
Tumor Cell-Macrophage Interactions in Ovarian Cancer

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Taylor Jaraczewski
Biomedical Engineering
MS Program (1st year)
Cell-Cell Interactions in Endometriosis
Chloe Kim
Biomedical Engineering
PhD Program (2nd year)
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Dawn Tian
Biomedical Engineering
PhD Program (5th year)
IGF Network in Ovarian Cancer

Post-Docs and Residents

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Katherine Lee, M.D.
3rd year resident
Lisa Wickert, Ph.D.
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing

Research Staff

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Anthony Desotell, M.S.
Associate Research Specialist
In Vitro Models of Ovarian Cancer


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Sarah Dicker
Biomedical Engineering
IGF Signaling in Ovarian Cancer
Phillip Jean-Remy
Materials Science
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Karl Kabarowski
Biomedical Engineering
IGF Signaling in Ovarian Cancer
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Amy Kim
Biomedical Engineering
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Isaiah Mitchell
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Yuri Miyamoto
Engineering, Univ. of Washington
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Angiogenesis
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Shaun Pomerenke
Biomedical Engineering
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Kari Stauss
Biomedical Engineering
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Lauren Stopfer
Biomedical Engineering
Tumor Cell-Macrophage Interactions in Ovarian Cancer

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Olivia Velazquez
Biomedical Engineering
Tumor Cell-Macrophage Interactions in Ovarian Cancer

High School Interns

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Grant Karlsson Ellifson
LaFollette High School
Co-Advised with K Masters
Cellular Decision Making in Wound Healing
Amanda Zhang
Madison West High School
Tumor Cell-Macrophage Interactions in Ovarian Cancer

Lab Alumni