Jimenez-gomez lab:Members

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Institute Jean Pierre Bourgin
INRA - Versailles
Route de Saint Cyr
78026 Versailles Cedex
Tel: +33 1 30 83 33 16
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ATTENTION: This site is no longer maintained. Please check our new lab website


Here you can find a list of the people that is working or has worked with us in the past. Members with (MPIPZ) after their names worked at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, where our lab was located before.

We are always looking for motived students and postdocs. If you think you could fit our lab check out the Jobs section for announcements or send us an email.


Group Leader

José M Jiménez-Gómez


Postdoctoral Researchers

Dorothee Wozny



Pauline Rouillard


Former Postdocs

Inga Schmalenbach (MPIPZ)

Niels Müller (MPIPZ)

Malgorzata Ryngajllo (MPIPZ)

Kerstin H. Richau (MPIPZ)


Former PhD Students

Lei Zhang (MPIPZ)

Ganga Jeena (MPIPZ)

Arunkumar Srinivasan (MPIPZ)


Former Master Students

Nicolas Villeriot (06/2016 - 08/2016, INRA)

Claudia S Martins (MPIPZ)

Mohamed El Hadidi (MPIPZ)

Katharina Graefe (MPIPZ)

Cris Wijnen (MPIPZ)


Former Visitor Scientists

Tripta Jhang (MPIPZ)


Former Technicians

Ute Tartler (MPIPZ)

Jutta Schuetze (MPIPZ)