Haynes Lab:Notebook/CRISPR Editing/2015/01/16

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Sent out g044 PCR product for sequencing:

Label Primer Direction Distance
RD-1-3 P175 F 256
RD-4-6 P161 F 340
RD-7-9 P173 F 375
RD-10-12 P159 F 420
RD-13-15 P170 R 432
RD-16-18 P156 R 440
RD-19-21 P172 R 548
RD-22-24 P158 R 568

Miniprepped the other gRNA plasmids but I didn't spec them.

Sample Read# 260 280 260/280 ng/µL
g025 0.236 0.127 1.857 235.95
g031 0.288 0.153 1.884 288.187
g032 0.453 0.242 1.873 452.739
g048 0.345 0.184 1.875 345.075

Passaged 1:10 gal4-eed cells into T-75 flask, added 1ug/ml of dox. passaged luc14 cells 1:10.