Etchevers:Notebook/STRA6 in eye development/2008/09/19

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RAX article appears

Leopoldine's article (mostly shouldered by Nicolas) has appeared in Clinical Genetics. For those of you with online access, here it is. I will attempt to deposit the manuscript on HAL, since I just wasted 15 minutes trying to upload it through My NCBI, but without NIH grant information associated with the paper, it's not possible.

So, on HAL it took me a good 1/2 hour just to upload the one little manuscript, and I get this message, too! "Beware ! Transfer to PMC will take effect when your full-text will be publicize, in function of the editor policy. More over the transfer takes about 3 weeks cause your deposit will be transformed into XML format and checked by moderators. You will then received an email inviting you to validate the final version before the sending to PubMed Central." Incomprehensible. They should just put it in French. And make it a heck of a lot easier with the stupid author affiliations.

When the open access manuscript is available, I will update. [Update: the preprint will be publicly available in a year, thanks to the publisher's policy]. You really have to want to enter it and currently there is little to no incentive. Write me and ask for it, meanwhile.

  • Heather 05:21, 19 September 2008 (EDT):

I just uploaded de Pontual et al., 2007 in an "author" version that I had to pull out from the PDF again with all sorts of character substitutions. But it's my manuscript! I just didn't have the final draft on hand. Anyhow, this Eur J of Cancer is RoMEO green whereas the previous was RoMEO yellow - so we'll see which gets the final okay, though they both should. Meanwhile, I now understand the above, since I had said okay to upload to PubMed Central (which is what I had been trying to do to begin with). And we'll see if the PMC button ever comes up next to the Elsevier one.

Here it is.

  • Heather 07:48, 19 September 2008 (EDT):
  • Heather 10:01, 19 September 2008 (EDT):