Heather Etchevers
Official CV
This is the one my workplace wants me to have in a standard format. It's up to date as of November, 2011.
Short CV
1992 | Wellesley College, Massachusetts (USA) |
1998 | Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley, California (USA) |
1999 | Ph.D. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (equivalence for France) |
1999-2002 | Postdoc with N. Le Douarin at the IECM, Nogent-sur-Marne, France |
2002-2003 | Postdoc with S. Lyonnet and M. Vekemans, INSERM, Necker Children’s Hospital, Paris, France |
since 2003 | Group leader (Avenir), Necker Children’s Hospital, Paris, France |
2004 | Chargé de recherche, INSERM |
More stuff
Where I've been to learn things:
1988 | Pathology Department, Newton-Wellesley Hospital | Massachusetts, USA |
1990 | Management Basics Program, Wellesley College | Massachusetts, USA |
1990 | Summer Student Program, The Jackson Laboratory | Maine, USA |
1992 | Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Internationales Musikinstitut | Darmstadt, Germany |
2002 | Course in Scientific Management, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Maryland, USA |
2004 | Personne Compétente en Radioprotection, (Radiation Safety Officer qualification) Université Réné Descartes – Paris 5 | Paris, France |
Awards and Distinctions
Programme Avenir, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale 2002-2005
Predoctoral Fellow in the Biological Sciences, Howard Hughes Medical Institute 1993-1998
Director, Conseil Médico-Scientifique de l’Association Naevus 2000 France-Europe depuis 1999
Phi Beta Kappa (humanities) and Sigma Xi (sciences) since 1992
Conference organization
Organizer : “ The congenital giant nevus : research and treatment. ” Satellite symposium for the 18th International Pigment Cell Conference, Egmond-aan-See (Pays-Bas), 13-sept-2002
Session moderator, scientific committee : « Congrès Jeunes Chercheurs de l’Université Paris V», Paris, 19-oct-2005 (and 2006, to 2008)
Moderator, scientific committee : « Naevus Géant Congénital, les soins et la recherche associée » Marne-la-Vallée, 12-nov-2005
Moderator, scientific committee : « Quelles thérapies innovantes développer dans la prochaine décennie pour soigner le NGC ?» Vichy, 14-nov-2009
Publication list on PubMed
Nearly if not all my publications are downloadable from my Mendeley profile
Click on this text for my profile on
This image takes the common words out of some of my publications, including the blogs that I've stopped posting to for the time being. You can go over to Wordle and play, too, though.
E-mail me but erase the final "a". This address is equivalent to the old, defunct server which figures on some of the older publications - most of which are open access anyhow.
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--Heather 09:27, 2 November 2011 (EDT)