DataONE:Open Research Output Early Adopters Study
This DataONE OpenWetWare site contains informal notes for several research projects funded through DataONE. DataONE is a collaboration among many partner organizations, and is funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under a Cooperative Agreement.
Documentation for Open Research Output Early Adopters Study. Results are available on the Results Page
Researchers are increasingly required to share data as a condition of funding, publishing, or both. Open access services enabling data sharing are emerging. This study evaluates opinions and motives of early users of the “Web 3.0” research output publishing and storage site “Figshare” (
In addition to demographic information, questions relate to use and opinions of the Web site, and of data sharing in general.
PASW Statistics data document Fields
- Serial number
- Scan
- Interviewer Server/HTML player
- Interviewer Server CATI / HTML player
- Interviewer Server CATI / TTY player
- Data Entry Player
- Other
- ID
- Completed successfully
- Active / In progress
- Timed out
- Stopped by script
- Stopped by respondent
- Interview system shutdown
- Reviewed
- Stopped by signal
- Test data
- Interview start time
- Interview finish time
- Metadata version
- Interview termination signal
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- Figures
- Tables
- Datasets
- Articles
- Methods
- Failed Experiments
- Other (please specify)
- None
- No Answer
Column Headings
- Q1_TY0
- Q1_TY1
- Q1_TY2
- Q1_TY3
- Q1_TY4
- Q1_TY5
- Q1_TY6
- Q1_TY7
- Q1_TY8
- Q1_TY9
- Q1_TYA
- Q1_TYB
- Q1_Type_Information_Upload_Other6
Survey Logic
Q2: Is your information public or private?
- Public
- Private
- Some of each
Q3: How frequently do you upload materials?
- Daily
- About once a week
- About once a month
- A few times a year
Q4: Do you ever change or update what you have previously uploaded?
Possible Responses
- Yes
- No
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- I want to be cited for my contributions
- I want my output to be preserved into the future
- Figshare gives my finished products a DOI
- I need a place to store my work
- Figshare allows me to store information that wouldn’t be available to others otherwise
- My institution or someone I work with suggested I store things here
- I uploaded data because a journal publisher required data deposit related to my article
- Storing my work on Figshare makes it easily discoverable
- Figshare is cool
- It’s free
- I’m experimenting to see what Figshare is about
- I don’t have a disciplinary repository to which I can submit my data
- I don’t have a local / institutional repository to which I can submit my data
- Figshare presents my data effectively
- Other (please specify)
Column Headings
- Q5_WH0
- Q5_WH1
- Q5_WH2
- Q5_WH3
- Q5_WH4
- Q5_WH5
- Q5_WH6
- Q5_WH7
- Q5_WH8
- Q5_WH9
- Q5_WHA
- Q5_WHB
- Q5_Which_Reasons_Upload_Other14
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- Figures
- Tables
- Datasets
- Articles
- Methods
- Failed Experiments
- Other (please specify)
- None
- No Answer
Column Headings
- Figures 2
- Tables 2
- Datasets 2
- Articles 2
- Methods 2
- Failed Experiments 2
- Other (please specify) 3
- None 2
- No Answer 3
- Q6_TY0
- Q6_TY1
- Q6_TY2
- Q6_TY3
- Q6_TY4
- Q6_TY5
- Q6_TY6
- Q6_TY7
- Q6_TY8
- Q6_TY9
- Q6_TYA
- Q6_TYB
- Q6_Type_Information_Download_Other6
Survey Logic
Q7: How many of the things contributed by others have you found useful?
Possible Responses
- All of them
- Most of them
- A few of them
- None of them
Q8: How did you select the items you downloaded?
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- Name of researcher / submitter
- Institutional affiliation of researcher / submitter
- Presence / quality of metadata
- License
- Topic / discipline
- Other (please specify) 4
- No Answer 4
Column Headings
- Q8_HO0
- Q8_HO1
- Q8_HO2
- Q8_HO3
- Q8_HO4
- Q8_HO5
- Q8_HO6
- Q8_HO7
- Q8_HO8
- Q8_HO9
- Q8_HOA
- Q8_HOB
- Q8_How_Select_Download_Other5
Survey Logic
[Go to question 10]
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- I didn't need it
- I don't trust the quality
- It was not my subject area
- There was not enough information of interest to me
- Other (please specify) 5
- No Answer 5
Column Headings
- Q9_WH0
- Q9_WH1
- Q9_WH2
- Q9_WH3
- Q9_WH4
- Q9_WH5
- Q9_WH6
- Q9_WH7
- Q9_WH8
- Q9_WH9
- Q9_WHA
- Q9_WHB
- Q9_Why_Not_Download_Other4
Possible Responses
- Extremely likely
- Somewhat likely
- The odds are about 50-50
- Somewhat unlikely
- Extremely unlikely
Q11: Do you put your research data in multiple places?
Possible Responses
- Yes
- No
Survey Logic
If yes, go to question 13
Q12: Where is your research data stored?
Possible Responses
- In figshare
- Only on my or my institution’s computer
- In a data repository
- Other (please specify)
Column Headings
- Q12_W0
- Q12_W1
- Q12_W2
- Q12_W3
- Q12_W4
- Q12_W5
- Q12_W6
- Q12_W7
- Q12_W8
- Q12_W9
- Q12_WA
- Q12_WB
- Q12_Where_Data_Stored_Other3
Survey Logic
[Go to question 14]
Possible Responses
- 1% - 25%
- 26% – 50%
- 51% - 75%
- 76% - 99%
- 100%
Q14: What are the characteristics that you look for in a place to deposit your data?
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- Discoverability
- Easy to use interface
- Easy to fill in metadata form
- Flexible licensing
- Ease of deposit process
- Trust in the repository managers
- Has been around for many years
- Reputation
- Other (please specify) 6
- No Answer 6
Column Headings
- Q14_C0
- Q14_C1
- Q14_C2
- Q14_C3
- Q14_C4
- Q14_C5
- Q14_C6
- Q14_C7
- Q14_C8
- Q14_C9
- Q14_CA
- Q14_CB
- Q14_Characteristics_Place_Deposit_Other8
(check all that apply)
Possible Responses
- I put the data in a different place (please specify)
- Lack of funding
- Lack of standards
- People don’t need them
- There is insufficient time to make them available
- There is no place to put them
- They shouldn’t be available
- Sponsor doesn’t require it
- Don’t have the rights to make the data public
- I would lose control of the data
- I need to publish first
- I have insufficient skills
- Other (please specify)
- There are no datasets that I didn’t upload to figshare
Column Headings=
- I put the data in a different place (please specify)
- Lack of funding
- Lack of standards
- People don’t need them
- There is insufficient time to make them available
- There is no place to put them
- They shouldn’t be available
- Sponsor doesn’t require it
- Don’t have the rights to make the data public
- I would lose control of the data
- I need to publish first
- I have insufficient skills
- Other (please specify) 7
- There are no datasets that I didn’t upload to figshare
- No Answer 7
- Q15_W0
- Q15_W1
- Q15_W2
- Q15_W3
- Q15_W4
- Q15_W5
- Q15_W6
- Q15_W7
- Q15_W8
- Q15_W9
- Q15_WA
- Q15_WB
- Q15_WC
- Q15_WD
- Q15_WE
- Q15_WF
- Q15_WG
- Q15_WH
- Q15_WI
- Q15_WJ
- Q15_WK
- Q15_WL
- Q15_WM
- Q15_WN
- Q15_Why_Not_Upload_Other0
Q16: In what year were you born?
Possible Responses
Free Text
Column Headings
Q17: What is your primary subject discipline?
Possible Responses
Free Text
Column Headings
- What is your primary subject discipline? 2
- What is your primary subject discipline? 3
- What is your primary subject discipline? 4
- What is your primary subject discipline? 5
- What is your primary subject discipline? 6
- What is your primary subject discipline? 7
- What is your primary subject discipline? 8
- What is your primary subject discipline? 9
- What is your primary subject discipline? 10
- What is your primary subject discipline? 11
- What is your primary subject discipline? 12
- What is your primary subject discipline? 13
Q18: Which one of the following best describes your primary work sector?
- Academic
- Government
- Commercial
- Non-profit
- Other (please specify)
Column Headings
- Q18_P0
- Q18_P1
- Q18_P2
- Q18_P3
- Q18_P4
- Q18_P5
- Q18_P6
- Q18_P7
- Q18_P8
- Q18_P9
- Q18_PA
- Q18_PB
- Q18_Primary_Work_Sector_Other4
Q19: Which country is your primary place of employment?
Free Text
Survey Logic
If not United States of America, go to question 21
Q20: Please also indicate your primary state (or US territory) of employment
Possible Responses
(This is an open ended question)
Column Headings
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing.
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing. 2
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing. 3
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing. 4
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing. 5
- Please share any additional thoughts about Figshare and/or data sharing. 6