Clicker in the life sciences (audience response systems)

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Clicker (top left) linked via radio signals to USB receiver.

Clicker, zappers, or audience response systems (ARS) are interactive devices that are becoming more popular in the life sciences to turn for example a frontal lecture into a more interactive learning experience. Clickers enable the lecturer to ask questions and see the audience answers live on screen, allowing for immediate adjustment of content, speed, and direction.

Price estimates

company & clicker type €/clicker additional costs 50 unit package in €
eInstruction CPS Pulse
OWW review
€44 +€180 receiver €2380
Qwizdom Q4 €60 +€140 receiver, +€140 instructor remote €3280
Qwizdom Q6 €70 +€140 receiver, +€140 instructor remote €3780
TurningPoint ResponseCard RF €46 +€220 receiver, +€54 instructor remote €2570
TurningPoint ResponseCard RF LCD €53 +€220 receiver, +€54 instructor remote €2920

Estimates are from 11-2012. Prices per response unit for a small order of <50 clickers, with the average European VAT of 20%, rounded, and including an academic discount where available. Companies may charge for receiver and a master clicker in addition to the clickers. Typically, the software is included.



See also