Catherine Channell - Dahlquist Lab
Spring 2021
Week 3
- editing tasks:
- check out new database:
Week 4
- complete tutorial assignment on openwetware
Summer 2021
Week 1
5/19 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- OpenWetWare Tasks
Week 2
5/26 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- Add image, pdf, template, and fix Service and Leadership section
5/26 @2:30-6:30 PM: Meeting w/Claire
- Article Searches 2020-2021 using 'lactase persistence frequency' at
- Anguita-Ruiz, A., Aguilera, C. M., & Gil, Á. (2020). Genetics of Lactose Intolerance: An Updated Review and Online Interactive World Maps of Phenotype and Genotype Frequencies. Nutrients, 12(9).
- Created two online interactive resources, which constitute an upgrade over previously published static world maps, and allow users a personalized data exploration, while at the same time accessing complete reports by population or ethnicity
- Fung, M., Xue, X., & Szilagyi, A. (2020). Estimating Lactase Nonpersistence Distributions in the Multi-Ethnic Canadian Demographic: A Population-Based Study. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, 3(3), 103–110.
- Used the latest 2016 population census into our sampled population and used Storhaug data of global LNP prevalence to derive LNP estimation rates for the Canadian demographic
- Hollfelder, N., Babiker, H., Granehäll, L., Schlebusch, C. M., & Jakobsson, M. (2021). The genetic variation of lactase persistence alleles in Sudan and South Sudan. Genome biology and evolution, evab065. Advance online publication.
- Research paper that collected/sequenced frequencies of genetic variants linked to LP in Sudanese and South Sudanese populations
- Dewiasty, E., Setiati, S., Agustina, R., Roosheroe, A. G., Abdullah, M., Istanti, R., & de Groot, L. C. (2021). Prevalence of lactose intolerance and nutrients intake in an older population regarded as lactase non-persistent. Clinical nutrition ESPEN, 43, 317–321.
- data on the prevalence of lactose intolerance and dietary intakes in Indonesian older outpatients based on a hydrogen breath test
- Anguita-Ruiz, A., Aguilera, C. M., & Gil, Á. (2020). Genetics of Lactose Intolerance: An Updated Review and Online Interactive World Maps of Phenotype and Genotype Frequencies. Nutrients, 12(9).
- no additional articles using 'lactase persistence population' at
- no additional articles using 'lactase persistence' at
- articles using 'lactase persistence' at
- Jacobs, E. T., Foote, J. A., Kohler, L. N., Skiba, M. B., & Thomson, C. A. (2020). Re-examination of dairy as a single commodity in US dietary guidance. Nutrition Reviews, 78(3), 225–234.
- Following Canada's removal of lactose as a separate food group for national dietary guidelines, a suggestion on why the US should think about doing the same
- Jacobs, E. T., Foote, J. A., Kohler, L. N., Skiba, M. B., & Thomson, C. A. (2020). Re-examination of dairy as a single commodity in US dietary guidance. Nutrition Reviews, 78(3), 225–234.
- no additional articles using 'lactase persistence' at
- articles using 'lactase persistence frequency' at
- Борозенець, В. В., Бабалян, В. О., & Федота, O. M. (2020). Genetiс aspects of lactase persistence in different ethnic groups. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 27, 185-189.
- lactase persistence frequencies in different European ethnic groups (Ukrainian, Indian, Nigerian, Israeli, Egyptian, Palestinian, Turkish, Jordanian students (n=361) and their relatives of the first degree of kinship (n=413))
- Ramadan, M., Eid, A. M., Seliem, N. M., & Shokr, H. A. (2020). Assessment of lactose intolerance in adult Egyptian patients with dyspeptic symptoms using lactase enzyme assay in duodenal biopsy. The Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty, Girls, 4(2), 300.
- Study of the severity of lactose-intolerance symptoms in Egyptian patients
- Ojeda-Granados, C., Panduro, A., Rivera-Iñiguez, I., Sepúlveda-Villegas, M., & Roman, S. (2020). A Regionalized Genome-Based Mexican Diet Improves Anthropometric and Metabolic Parameters in Subjects at Risk for Obesity-Related Chronic Diseases. Nutrients, 12(3), 645.
- Provides an implemented example of how taking into account LNP can result in a healthy, balanced diet
- Mørk, M., Andersen, S. L., Pedersen, I. S., Ernst, A., Lykkeboe, S., & Krarup, H. B. (2020). Use of genetic testing for hypolactasia trait in the North Denmark region. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 55(9), 1012-1018.
- Denmark frequencies of LP and LNP
- Martínez Rodríguez, M., Samaniego-Vaesken, M., & Alonso-Aperte, E. (2021). A New Food Composition Database of Lactose-Free Products Commercialized in Spain: Differences in Nutritional Composition as Compared to Traditional Products. Foods, 10(4), 851.
- support for viability of lactose-free alternatives
- Борозенець, В. В., Бабалян, В. О., & Федота, O. M. (2020). Genetiс aspects of lactase persistence in different ethnic groups. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 27, 185-189.
Week 3
6/2 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- Read Review Article on World Maps
- Read Segurel, L., Guarino-Vignon, P., Marchi, N., Lafosse, S., Laurent, R., Bon, C., Fabre, A., Hegay, T., & Heyer, E. (2020). Why and when was lactase persistence selected for? Insights from Central Asian herders and ancient DNA. PLOS Biology, 18(6), e3000742. [1]
- Journal club on Canadian study
- 1+ intro slides
- titles as messages
- figure and tables each get their own slide
- conclusion
6/2 @2-6 PM: Meeting w/Claire
Week 4
6/2 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- Read Review Article on World Maps
- Read Storhaug et. al
6/2 @2-6 PM: Meeting w/Claire
Week 5
6/16 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- approach for paper will be review of genetic information available for U.S. on different databases
- start with Ensemble and 13910
- individuals in pop. sampled, where they are from/ethnicity, & traceable data needed in order to avoid duplication of studies
6/17 @2:30-6:30 PM: Meeting w/Claire
- Smith et. al (2016) to 2002
Week 6
6/23 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- Send dbSNP email about criterion for 89 publications
- Finish checking publications
- Add reason why excluded
- General Summary of Data Once all Sorted Through
Week 7
6/30 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
- 2-5 page summary of work to date
Week 8
7/7 @1-2 PM: Meeting w/Dr. Dahlquist
Fall 2021
Week 1
8/31: Micropipetting Technique; Evaluating Accuracy and Precision NB1 p46-50
- Purpose:
Week 2
9/7: Micropipetting Technique; Evaluating Accuracy and Precision Cont. NB1 p50-52
- Purpose:
Week 3
9/14: Micropipetting Technique; Evaluating Accuracy and Precision Cont. NB1 p52-57
- Purpose:
Week 4
9/21: Restriction Digest of Lambda (λ) DNA NB1 p57
- Purpose:
Week 5
9/21: Restriction Digest of Lambda (λ) DNA NB1 p58-60
- Purpose:
Spring 2022
Week 15
4/7 RD gel of 926, 546, 235, 791#1, 956#1 NB1 p93
- Purpose: Analysis & RD gel of purified amplified samples by Claire, Erykah, & Liz
RD gel Protocol:
- Poured 1:29pm, start 2:22 pm
Fall 2023
with Odoba Okwuosa
Week 1
8/31 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR of Summer Samples 642, 412, 548, 617, 718 NB1 p94-95
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 2
- Labor Day
9/7 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel of 642, 412, 548, 617, 718 and PCR of 695, 972, 226, 599, 742, 626 NB1 p95-96
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
PCR gel protocol: start 4:05 pm
- remove 5 μL of PCR product -> microcentrifuge tube + 1 μL 6X loading dye, mix & spin
- load 10 μL 1kb DNA ladder to L-most lane
- load other samples into wells
- run @120V until bromophenol blue ->2-3cm
- expected product=448 bp
- Dilute plasmids 1:10; move neg. control to R-most lane to avoid crossover; successful yield of PCR product
Week 3
9/12 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel of 6/16 collected samples 695, 972, 226, 599, 742, 626 and PCR of 6/21 collected samples 711, 795, 459, 396, 877, 740 NB2 p71-72
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
9/14 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel of 695, 972, 226, 599, 742, 626 and PCR gel of 711, 795, 459, 396, 877, 740 NB2 p72-73
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 4
9/19 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR of 183, 682, 641, 294, 699 NB2, p74
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
9/21 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 183, 682, 641, 294, 699 NB2 p74-75
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
- No PCR product observed
Week 5
9/26 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR 695, 972, 226, 599, 742, 626 NB2 p76
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
9/28 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 695, 972, 226, 599, 742, 626 NB2 p76-77
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 6
10/3 3:30-5:30 pm: Re-do PCR Gel w/10 template/sample to troubleshoot NB2 p77-78
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
10/5 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 711, 795, 459, 396, 877, 740, 183 and PCR 250, 508, 989, 682, 641, 294, 699 NB2 p78-79
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 7
10/10 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 250, 508, 989, 682, 641, 294, 699 NB2 p79-80
- Purpose:
PCR gel protocol: start 3:56 pm
- remove 5
- Re-run: 711, 795, 459, 396, 250, 508, 989, 682, 641, 294, 699
10/12 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR 711, 795, 459, 396 NB2 p80-81
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 8
10/17 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 711, 795, 459, 396 and PCR 250, 508, 989, 682 NB2 p81-82
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
10/19 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR gel 250, 508, 989, 682 and PCR 641, 294, 699 NB2 p82-83
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 9
10/24 3:30-5:30 pm: PCR & PCR gel 641, 294, 699 and Summary & Organization of PCR Results NB2 p84-85
- Purpose: PCR summer '22 collected LMU Samples
10/26 3:30-5:30 pm: Purification CC, CT, CT, and Hela NB2 p87
- Purpose: Check for Hela degradation and plasmid purity
Week 10
10/31 3:30-5:30 pm: RD and RD gel lambda, CC, CT, CT, and Hela NB2 p87
- Purpose: Check for Hela degradation and plasmid purity
11/2 3:30-5:30 pm:
Week 11
11/7 3:30-5:30 pm: Purification and RD 183, 226, 250 NB2 p88
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
11/9 3:30-5:30 pm: RD gel 183, 226, 250 and Purification 396, 412, 459, 548
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 12
11/14 3:30-5:30 pm: RD 396, 412, 459, 548 NB2 p90
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
11/16 3:30-5:30 pm: RD Gel 396, 412, 459, 548 NB2 p90-91
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 13
11/21 3:30-5:30 pm: Purification 599, 617, 626, 641 NB2 p91
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Week 14
11/28 3:30-5:30 pm: RD 599, 617, 626, 641 NB2 p92
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
Restriction Digest w/BsmFI Protocol:
- λ control: 4 μL (0.1 μg/mL) λ DNA + 6 μLsterile MilliQ water
- 10 μL purified PCR product -> fresh 0.5 μL tube
- master mix on ice w/BsmFI (NEBio #R0572S) 9.5X
- sterile MilliQ water 66.5 μL
- 10X Cut Smart buffer 19 μL
- MIX & SPIN also, start thermocycler ealy b/c of 4 min preheat on lid -> pause until ready
- BsmFI (2 units/μL) 9.5 μL
- add 10 μL MM to each tube -> mix & spin
- incubate @65°C for 60 min, @80°C for 10 min "BSMFI" on small thermocycler
- Pour 1.5% agarose gel w/1X TAE Buffer & [0.5 μg/mL] EtBr start 4pm, poured 4:10pm
- LARGE=1.5g agarose, 10 mL 10X TAE + 90 mL water, 100 μL EtBr
11/30 3:30-5:30 pm: RD Gel 599, 617, 626, 641 and Purification of 642, 682, 695, 711, 718, NB2 p92-93
- Purpose: Purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples
RD Gel Protocol: start 3:55 pm
- add 4 μL of 6X loading dye to cut & 2 μL to uncut
- load 10 μL Purple 100 bp DNA ladder (NEB #N0551S) in L most lane
- load samples onto gel (uncut L, cut R) w/λ in R-most
- run @120V
- CC(351, 97), TT(253, 98/97), CT (351, 253, 98/97 bp)
- 599, 617, 626, 641 appear ___
Purification Protocol:
- use DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit (Zymo D4014; Genessee 11-303C)
- In a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube, add 5 volume DNA binding buffer, mix & spin
- 642, 695, 718(45 μL -> 225 μL) and 682, 711 (90 μL -> 450 μL)
- mixture --> zymo-spin column in collection tube --> spin 30 sec, 10, 000X G
- Discard flow-thru and reinsert
- Repeat wash step & spin AGAIN (2 times w/o adding ligand) 30 sec, 10, 000 X G
- transfer column to clean 1.5 mL tube w/cap cut off
- add 20 μL DNA elution buffer to matric
- incubate @room temp for 1 min
- spin 30 sec, 10, 000 X G then record volume of elute as you transfer --> 1.5 mL tube w/lid
- CC=18.6 μL
- TT=18.7 μL
- CT=18.4 μL
- Hela=18.4 μL
- 642=18.4 μL
- 682=18.2 μL
- 695=18.3 μL
- 711=18.2 μL
- 718=18.4 μL
Week 15
12/5 3:30-5:30pm: Restriction Digest w/BsmFI 642, 682, 695, 711, 718
- Purpose:
Restriction Digest w/BsmFI Protocol:
- λ control: 4 μL (0.1 μg/mL) λ DNA + 6 μLsterile MilliQ water
- 10 μL purified PCR product -> fresh 0.5 μL tube
- master mix on ice w/BsmFI (NEBio #R0572S) 10.5X
- sterile MilliQ water 73.5 μL
- 10X Cut Smart buffer 21 μL
- MIX & SPIN also, start thermocycler ealy b/c of 4 min preheat on lid -> pause until ready
- BsmFI (2 units/μL) 10.5 μL
- add 10 μL MM to each tube -> mix & spin
- incubate @65°C for 60 min, @80°C for 10 min "BSMFI" on small thermocycler
- Pour 1.5% agarose gel w/1X TAE Buffer & [0.5 μg/mL] EtBr
- LARGE=1.5g agarose, 10 mL 10X TAE + 90 mL water, 100 μL EtBr
12/7 3:30-5:30pm: RD Gel 642, 682, 695, 711, 718
- Purpose:
RD Gel Protocol:
- add 4 μL of 6X loading dye to cut & 2 μL to uncut
- load 10 μL Purple 100 bp DNA ladder (NEB #N0551S) in L most lane
- load samples onto gel (uncut L, cut R) w/λ in R-most
- run @120V
- CC(351, 97), TT(253, 98/97), CT (351, 253, 98/97 bp)
- 682 and 718 appear CC; 642, 695, and 711 and appear CT
Spring 2023
with Odoba Okwuosa
Week 2
1/18 1:40-5:40 pm: Purification & Restriction Digest of 740, 742, 795, NB3 p1
- Purpose: 2nd to last purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples (PCR done Fall 2022)
Purification Protocol:
- use DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit (Zymo D4014; Genessee 11-303C)
- In a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube, add 5 volume DNA binding buffer, mix & spin
- mixture --> zymo-spin column in collection tube --> spin 30 sec, 10, 000X G
- Discard flow-thru and reinsert
- Repeat wash step & spin AGAIN (2 times w/o adding ligand) 30 sec, 10, 000 X G
- transfer column to clean 1.5 mL tube w/cap cut off
- add 20 μL DNA elution buffer to matric
- incubate @room temp for 1 min
- spin 30 sec, 10, 000 X G then record volume of elute as you transfer --> 1.5 mL tube w/lid
- CC=18.5 μL
- TT=17.7 μL
- CT=18.7 μL
- 740=18.5 μL
- 742=20.0 μL
- 795=19.3 μL
Restriction Digest w/BsmFI Protocol: start 3:04 pm
- λ control: 4 μL (0.1 μg/mL) λ DNA + 6 μLsterile MilliQ water
- 10 μL purified PCR product -> fresh 0.5 μL tube
- master mix on ice w/BsmFI (NEBio #R0572S) 7.5X
- sterile MilliQ water 52.5 μL
- 10X Cut Smart buffer 15 μL
- BsmFI (2 units/μL) 7.5 μL
- add 10 μL to each tube -> mix & spin
- incubate @65°C for 60 min, @80°C for 10 min "BSMFI" on small thermocycler
- add 4 μL of 6X loading dye to cut & 2 μL to uncut
RD Gel Protocol: start 4:05 pm
- Pour 1.5% agarose gel w/1X TAE Buffer & [0.5 μg/mL] EtBr poured 3:13 pm
- LARGE=1.5g agarose, 10 mL 10X TAE + 90 mL water, 100 μL EtBr
- load 10 μL Purple 100 bp DNA ladder (NEB #N0551S) in L most lane
- load samples onto gel (uncut L, cut R) w/λ in R-most
- run @120V
- CC(351, 97), TT(253, 98/97), CT (351, 253, 98/97 bp)
- All (740, 742, 795) appear to be CC
Week 3
1/25 1:40-5:40 pm: Purification & Restriction Digest of 877, 972, 989, NB3 p2-3
- Purpose: Last purification & RD of summer '22 collected LMU Samples (PCR done Fall 2022)
Purification Protocol:
- use DNA Clean & Concentrator Kit (Zymo D4014; Genessee 11-303C)
- In a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube, add 5 volume DNA binding buffer, mix & spin
- 989(45 μL -> 225 μL) and 877, 972 (90 μL -> 450 μL)
- mixture --> zymo-spin column in collection tube --> spin 30 sec, 10, 000X G
- Discard flow-thru and reinsert
- Repeat wash step & spin AGAIN (2 times w/o adding ligand) 30 sec, 10, 000 X G
- transfer column to clean 1.5 mL tube w/cap cut off
- add 20 μL DNA elution buffer to matric
- incubate @room temp for 1 min
- spin 30 sec, 10, 000 X G then record volume of elute as you transfer --> 1.5 mL tube w/lid
- CC=20.0 μL
- TT=18.2 μL
- CT=19.0 μL
- Hela=degraded
- 877=20.0 μL
- 972=19.25 μL
- 989=18.9 μL
Restriction Digest w/BsmFI Protocol: start 2:40 pm
- λ control: 4 μL (0.1 μg/mL) λ DNA + 6 μLsterile MilliQ water
- 10 μL purified PCR product -> fresh 0.5 μL tube
- master mix on ice w/BsmFI (NEBio #R0572S) 7.5X
- sterile MilliQ water 52.5 μL
- 10X Cut Smart buffer 15 μL
- MIX & SPIN also, start thermocycler ealy b/c of 4 min preheat on lid -> pause until ready
- BsmFI (2 units/μL) 7.5 μL
- add 10 μL to each tube -> mix & spin
- incubate @65°C for 60 min, @80°C for 10 min "BSMFI" on small thermocycler
- add 4 μL of 6X loading dye to cut & 2 μL to uncut
RD Gel Protocol: start 4:05 pm
- Pour 1.5% agarose gel w/1X TAE Buffer & [0.5 μg/mL] EtBr
- LARGE=1.5g agarose, 10 mL 10X TAE + 90 mL water, 100 μL EtBr
- load 10 μL Purple 100 bp DNA ladder (NEB #N0551S) in L most lane
- load samples onto gel (uncut L, cut R) w/λ in R-most
- run @120V
- CC(351, 97), TT(253, 98/97), CT (351, 253, 98/97 bp)
- 877 and 972 appear CC; 989 is inconclusive
Week 4
2/1 1:40-5:40 pm:
Week 5
2/8 1:40-5:40 pm:
Week 6
2/15 1:40-5:40 pm:
Week 7
2/22 1:40-5:40 pm:
Week 8
3/1 1:40-5:40 pm:
- Following Week is Spring Break
Week 9
3/15 1:40-5:40 pm: Finalize and Print Poster for LMU URS on 3/17
Week 10
3/22 1:40-5:40pm: Create new figures based on self-reported lactose consumption from survey results
Week 11
3/29 1:40-5:40pm: Update Poster for 2023 WCBSURC by modifying discussion based on new figures
Week 12
Easter Break
Week 13
4/12 1:40-5:40 pm: Update OpenWetWare
Fall 2023
Week 1
- Lab Meeting to discuss new semester and welcome new lab members
Week 2
- Lab Meeting to catch new lab members up to speed on lactase persistence project
Week 3
- Pipetting exercise with Nathan
Week 4
- PCR Gel and Purification, 720 & 202
- Purpose: To run PCR Gel on products from 720 & 202 and then continue data collection of LP frequencies at LMU
- Protocol:
- Run Gel:
- Remove 5 uL PCR products --> microcentrifuge tubes & add 1 uL loading dye. Mix & Spin.
- Load 10 uL 1 kb DNA ladder to L-most lane
- Load other samples
- Run at 120 V until bromophenol blue --> 2-3 cm
- Expected products: 448 bp
- START: 2:34 PM
- STOP: 3:18 PM
- Key:
- 0=1kb ladder
- 1=
- 2=
- 3=
- 4=
- 5=
- 6=
- Run Gel:
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
- Modified RD
- Purpose: To
Week 10
- Purification without Plasmids
- Purpose: Due to incomplete digest, but distinct bands of 10/26/23 modified digest & remaining concern about TT plasmid contamination, we are running a new PCR & RD without the plasmids
- Protocol:
- PCR gel was started by Odoba at 1: 42 pm
- Lanes of PCR gel "PCR_2023-11-2_125msec.tif"
- 1. H2O (Negative control)
- 2. HeLa
- 3. 720
- 4. 202
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
- Thanksgiving
Week 14
Spring 2024
with Odoba Okwuosa
Week 2
1/17 12:00-6:00 pm: QIAamp Test Run
- Purpose: To test run the new QIAamp forensic DNA hair extraction protocol for improved optimization
QIAamp Protocol: Dahlquist:DNA Extraction from Human Hair
- Prior steps done by Odoba & Naomi this morning
- Note: ATE + RNA mixture is only to be used twice, today is was used once, so it should be thrown out the next time it is used.
- Spin for 1 minute at 6,000 X g (8000 rpm) in the microcentrifuge.
- If lysate remains, spin again at higher speed
- Place the column in new collection tube. Discard the collection tube with flow-through
- Add 500 μL of Buffer AW1 to the column.
- Do not wet rim.
- Spin for 1 minute at 6,000 X g (8000 rpm) in the microcentrifuge.
- Place the column in new collection tube. Discard the collection tube with flow-through.
- Add 700 μL of Buffer AW2 to the column.
- Do not wet rim.
- Spin for 1 minute at 6,000 X g (8000 rpm) in the microcentrifuge.
- Place the column in new collection tube. Discard the collection tube with flow-through. Make sure that flow-through has not come in contact with the column. If it has, spin again.
- Add 700 μL of ethanol (96-100%) to the column.
- Do not wet rim.
- Spin for 1 minute at 6,000 X g (8000 rpm) in the microcentrifuge.
- Place the column in new collection tube. Discard the collection tube with flow-through.
- Spin at full speed (15,000 X g; 14,000 rpm) for 3 min to dry the membrane completely.
- It is important that this is completely dry!
- Place the column in 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube with cap cut off. Discard the collection tube with flow-through.
- Open lid of QIAamp MinElute Column, and incubate at room temperature for 10 min or at 56°C for 3 min.
- Apply 50 µl room temperature Buffer ATE or distilled water to the center of the membrane.
- Close the lid and incubate at room temperature for 5 min
- Centrifuge at full speed (20,000 x g; 14,000 rpm) for 1 min.
- Carefully transfer eluate to a labeled 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube with a lid. Use immediately in PCR or store at -20°C.
PCR Protocol
- Number 0.2 mL PCR tubes.
- Add 15 μL of PCR-quality water to each tube.
- Add 2.5 μL each of 10 μM Lac-13910-for-EM and Lac-13910-rev-EM primers.
- Add 5 μL template to each tube according to the list below.
- negative control, no template, use 5 μL sterile MilliQ water in its place
- CC plasmid positive control (1:200 dilution), 5 μL
- TT plasmid positive control (1:200 dilution), 5 μL
- CT mixed plasmid positive control (1:200 dilution), 5 μL
- HeLa genomic DNA (5 ng/μL), 5 μL
- samples 6-n, cheek cell or hair follicle lysate (5 μL)
- Flash spin tubes to bring templates to bottom of the tube.
PCR Master Mix Protocol
- Turn on the thermocycler.
- Run "PHUSION" program (Bio-Rad S1000 thermocycler in FEA 263).
- Once lid has reached 100°C and the block has reached 98°C, pause the program by pressing the "pause" button.
- Remove 2X Phusion Flash High Fidelity PCR Master Mix (Cat# F548S) from freezer and thaw on ice. Mix and flash spin (gently, do not vortex!)
- Add 25 μL of the 2X Phusion Master Mix to each tube. Flick to mix and flash spin.
- Place tubes in thermocycler and un-pause program by pressing the "pause" button again.
PCR Thermocycler Program: Started at 3:00 PM
Program name on Bio-Rad S1000 thermocycler in FEA 263 is "PHUSION"
- 98°C 10 seconds
- 98°C 01 seconds
- 64°C 05 seconds
- 72°C 15 seconds
- repeat steps 2-4 for 35 cycles
- 72°C 1 minute
- hold at 6°C
PCR Gel: Poured at 3:30 PM
Pour 1% Small PCR Gel (total volume 50 mL): 0.5g agarose, 5 mL 10X TAE + 45 mL water, 50 μL EtBr
Run PCR Gel, started 4:37 PM
- Remove 5 μL of PCR product and transfer to 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes.
- Add 1 μL loading dye to each. Mix & Spin.
- Add 10 μL 1 kb DNA ladder to the left-most lane.
- Load other samples.
- Run at 120 V until bromophenol blue migrates 2-3 cm.
Expected product: 448 bp.
1/18 12:00-6:00 pm:
PCR Product Purification
- Discard the negative control tube.
- Label the tubes you will need.
- The remaining 45 μL of the rest of the PCR products need to be purified before performing a restriction digest.
- Use the DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Kit (Zymo Research, catalog D4014; Genesee Scientific, catalog 11-303C)
- In a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube, add 5 volumes of DNA Binding Buffer to each volume of DNA sample.
- I.e., to the 45 μL left of the PCR reaction, add 225 μL of DNA Binding Buffer.
- Mix briefly by vortexing/flash spin.
- Transfer mixture to a Zymo-Spin Column in a Collection Tube.
- Spin for 30 seconds at 10,000 X g in the microcentrifuge.
- Discard the flow-through and replace the column in the collection tube.
- Add 200 μL of DNA Wash Buffer to the column.
- Spin for 30 seconds at 10,000 X g in the microcentrifuge.
- Discard the flow-through and replace the column in the collection tube.
- Repeat the wash step by adding 200 μL of DNA Wash Buffer to the column.
- Spin for 30 seconds at 10,000 X g in the microcentrifuge.
- Discard the flow-through and replace the column in the collection tube.
- Spin the column again at 10,000 X g in the microcentrifuge to remove excess wash buffer. Make sure the column does not come in contact with the flow-through when removing it from the microcentrifuge and collecting tube.
- Transfer the column to a clean 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube with the cap cut off.
- Elute the DNA by adding 20 μL of DNA Elution Buffer directly to the column matrix
- Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute.
- Spin for 30 seconds at 10,000 X g in the microcentrifuge.
- Check and record volume of eluate as you transfer it to a 1.5 mL tube with lid. Store at -20°C or on ice if going on to the next step immediately.
- Hela=20μL
- KD=20μL
- NM=μL
- OO=μL
Restriction Digest with BsmFI
- Digest 0.4 μg of lambda DNA as a positive control. Bring 4 μL of 0.1 μg/mL lambda DNA to 10 μL by adding 6 μL sterile MilliQ water.
- Transfer 10 μL of purified PCR product to fresh 0.5 mL tube. (The remaining ~10 μL will be reserved as an uncut sample to run on the gel as a comparison).
- Make restriction digest master mix on ice with the restriction enzyme BsmFI (New England Biolabs cat# R0572S, isoschizomer with FaqI). Multiply the recipe by the number of tubes +0.5 to account for pipetting errors.
- Add the reagents in the order of water, then buffer. Mix and flash spin.
- Add the BsmFI. Mix and flash spin.
X1 DNA (10 μL) 10X rCutSmart Buffer 2 μL sterile MilliQ water 7 μL BsmFI enzyme (2 units/μL) 1 μL Total 20 μL
- Add 10 μL master mix to each tube, mix/flash spin.
- Incubate 60 minutes in thermocycler set at 65°C, followed by 10 minutes at 80°C to inactivate the enzyme. Program called
on small thermocycler.- Add 4 μL of 6X loading dye to the digested samples.
- Add 2 μL of 6X loading dye to uncut DNA samples so that they can also be loaded on the gel.
Agarose Gel to Detect Restriction Fragments
- Pour 1.5% agarose gel with 1X TAE Buffer and final concentration of 0.5 μg/mL ethidium bromide (100 mL total volume of gel for large gel box).
- Load 10 μL of Quick-Load Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder (NEB cat# N0551S) to left-most lane.
- Load entirety of the restriction digest and uncut DNA samples on gel. Load reserved uncut PCR products to the left of the appropriate cut sample to facilitate easy comparison.
- Load the lambda DNA control digest in the right-most lane.
- Run gel at 120 volts.
- CC genotype: two fragments of 351 and 97 bp
- TT genotype: three fragments of 253, 98/97 bp
- CT genotype: four fragments of 351, 253, and 98/97 bp
Week 3
1/24 12:00-6:00 pm:
Week 4
1/31 12:00-4:00 pm:
2/1 12:00-4:00 pm:
Week 5
2/7 12:00-2:00 pm:
2/8 12:00-6:00 pm:
Week 6
2/14 12:00-6:00 pm:
2/15 12:30-4:30 pm:
Week 7
2/21 12:15-4:15 pm:
Ran PCR Gel of Hela, 119, 167, 440, 918.
Hela and samples 119 and 440 were either degraded or contaminated so I did a new PCR of these samples & ran the resulting 1% gel.
2/22 12:30-4:30 pm:
Purification of PCR Products and Restriction Digest of Hela, 119, 167, 440, 918