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Beauchamp Lab Notebook

Zilles Atlas Values

Note that these values can be verified by examining the Anatomy Toolbox values in AFNI or SPM. A comprehensive list can be generated with the AFNI command

 whereami -show_atlas_code
 AIPS_IP1 = 185 
 AIPS_IP2 = 115 
 Amygdala_CM = 120 
 Amygdala_LB = 215 
 Amygdata_SF = 150 
 BA_44 = 160 
 BA_45 = 110 
 Hippocampus_CA = 100 
 Hippocampus_EC = 135 
 Hippocampus_FD = 170 
 Hippocampus_HATA = 200 
 Hippocampus_SUB = 240 
 PAC_TE10 = 130 
 PAC_TE11 = 195 
 PAC_TE12 = 230 
 PMC_4a = 125 
 PMC_4p = 175 
 premotor_6 = 210 
 PSC_1 = 180 
 PSC_2 = 225 
 PSC_3a = 220 
 PSC_3b = 140 
 SII_OP1 = 105 
 SII_OP2 = 205 
 SII_OP3 = 155 
 SII_OP4 = 235 
 visual_V1 = 145 
 visual_V2 = 190
 visual_v5 = 165

Other atlases are also available, such as the Talairach demon and FreeSurfer parcellation. The integer assigned to an area can change from version to a version of an atlas (e.g. v1.3 to v1.5 of the Zilles atlas) so check your work carefully!