BME100 s2015:Group6 12pmL2

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Name: Justin Blommer
Name: Ethan Mathew
Name: Spencer Cobb
Name: Sarah Jones
Name: Abigail Rene


What is the lowest possible dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that will increase Inflammotin levels in the elderly?

Descriptive Statistics

Rat Study

0mg Group

Mean: 10.516 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 2.226 pg/ml

Standard Error: 0.995 pg/ml

10mg Group

Mean: 11.112 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 7.403 pg/ml

Standard Error: 3.310 pg/ml

Human Study

0mg Group

Mean: 3.834 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 1.523 pg/ml

Standard Error: 0.482 pg/ml

5mg Group

Mean: 8.932 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 1.594 pg/ml

Standard Error: 0.504 pg/ml

10mg Group

Mean: 61.622 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 30.111 pg/ml

Standard Error: 9.521 pg/ml

15mg Group

Mean: 657.941 pg/ml

Standard Deviation: 212.943 pg/ml

Standard Error: 67.338 pg/ml


LPS Rat Study

LPS Human Study


Rat Study

For the rat study, the T-Test was used because there were only 2 groups. When the test was ran, it gave the following value:

P-Value= 0.867403497

Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, there is no significant statistical difference between the two groups.

Human Study

For the human study, the One-Way ANOVA test was used because there were more than two groups being compared.


To establish the Bonferroni Correction, the Alpha Value (.05) was divided by six (the number of post-test comparisons).

Then, the p-values were compared to the Bonferroni Correction. Since all of the post-test p-values were smaller than the Bonferroni Correction, there was a significant statistical difference for each of the comparisons.


In the study on rats, the LPS had a minimal impact on the Inflammotin levels. The p-value from the T-test was 0.867, indicating that it was not statistically significant. When the same study was conducted on humans, the LPS dosage had a much greater impact on subjects' Inflammotin levels. The p-value from the ANOVA test was 1.40*10^-16, indicating that it was statistically significant. From the results, it can be concluded that the LPS impacted the Inflammotin levels in humans much more than it did in rats.