BME100 s2015:Group11 12pmL2

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Framarz Alam
Name: Miranda Kaml
Name: Joe Florio
Name: Your name
Name: Your name


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1

Average Inflammotin Concentration in Human Groups:

0mg LPS 5mg LPS 10mg LPS 15mg LPS
3.834 pg/ml 8.932 pg/ml 61.622 pg/ml 657.941 pg/ml

Experiment 2

Average Inflammotin Concentration in Rat Groups:

0mg LPS 10mg LPS
10.516 pg/ml 11.112 pg/ml


Experiment 1

Human Study

Experiment 2

Rat Table


Experiment 1

Variance in Human Groups

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 10 38.34 3.834 2.31956
Column 2 10 89.32 8.932 2.54062
Column 3 10 616.22 61.622 906.65388
Column 4 10 6579.41 657.941 45344.71112

Single Factor ANOVA for Human Groups

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-Value F crit
Between Groups 3027016.695 3 1009005.565 97.254 1.401E-16 2.866
Within Groups 416306.027 36 11564.056
Total 3443322.721 39

Bonferroni Correction for ANOVA in Human Groups

Post-hoc test t-test value p-value Significant?
0-5mg 8.59631E-07 1.43272E-07 Yes
0-10mg 9.94377E-06 1.6573E-06 Yes
0-15mg 1.39436E-08 2.32394E-09 Yes
5-10mg 3.01859E-05 5.03099E-06 Yes
5-15mg 1.57101E-08 2.61835E-09 Yes
10-15mg 6.4824E-08 1.0804E-08 Yes

The ANOVA test is run on the human group due to the fact that there are four different doses of LPS, and therefore four different groups between which the differences are being investigated.

Experiment 2

T-Test Value for Rat Group: 0.867403497

P-Value for Rat Group: 0.545129


No. 0.545129>0.05

The T-test is run on the rat group since differences are only being examined between two groups.


According to the p-value for experiment 1, there is a significant difference among the four doses of LPS in humans because the variance in error does not overlap in each dose on the bar graph. In the Bonferroni correction the comparison between all groups showed significance when comparing the t-test values to the corrected p-value because the t-values were less than the p-values. This means the dose of LPS present in the elderly, does make a difference in the amount of inflammotin in elderly. In experiment 2, there was no significant difference between the doses of LPS in the rats because the p-value obtained from the t-test was greater than the acceptable p-value of 0.05. This means the doses of LPS does not make a significant difference in the amount of inflammotin produced in rats. The link from the two experiments is that the different doses of LPS does make a difference in the humans’ production of inflammotin, as recorded among several groups, while LPS contributes no effect to the rat’s ability to produce inflammotin.