BME100 f2013:W900 Group6 L2

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Areli Isherwood
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Jacob Hulett
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: James Mendoza
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Brandon Kehring
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Courtney DuBois
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: student


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1 (Human)

' Treatment - Human Study ' ' '
Inflammotin (pg/ml)
LPS Dose (mg) 0mg 5mg 10mg 15mg
5.23 10.72 100.19 793.17
1.01 9.29 75.92 476.67
4.23 8.46 23.46 771.45
1.87 10.19 70.87 795.09
3.67 7.29 19.27 181.27
2.98 7.54 99.65 752.78
5.83 8.67 38.37 934.23
5.24 6.15 76.26 554.87
4.27 10.92 35.25 692.23
4.01 10.09 76.98 627.65
Average 3.834 8.932 61.622 657.941
Standard Deviation 1.523010177 1.593931547 30.11069386 212.9429762
Endpoint # 10 10 10 10
Standard Error 0.481618106 0.504045412 9.521837451 67.33848166

Experiment 2 (Rat)

' Treatment - Rat Study '
Inflammotin (pg/ml)
LPS Dose (mg) 0mg 10mg
9.24 22.34
8.76 6.45
8.78 14.23
13.5 3.55
12.3 8.99
Average 10.516 11.112
Standard Deviation 2.225551617 7.402885924
Endpoint # 5 5
Standard Error 0.995296941 3.310671231


Experiment 1 (Human) Graph representing the effect of LPS dose on human's inflammotin Experiment 2 (Rat) Graph representing the effect of LPS dose on rat's inflammotin


Experiment 1 (Human)

Analysis of Variance (One-Way) ' ' ' ' ' '
Groups Sample size Sum Mean Variance
0mg 10 38.34 3.834 2.31956
5mg 10 89.32 8.932 2.54062
10mg 10 616.22 61.622 906.65388
15mg 10 6,579.41 657.941 45,344.71112
Source of Variation SS df MS F p-level F crit
Between Groups 3,027,016.69485 3 1,009,005.56495 87.2536 1.11022E-16 3.71396
Within Groups 416,306.02665 36 11,564.0563
Total 3,443,322.7215 39
Bonferroni Correction ' ' '
Post-hoc Tests T-Test Value Corrected p-value to achieve significance Significant?
0 mg vs 5 mg 8.59631E-07 0.00833 Yes
0 mg vs 10 mg 9.94377E-06 0.00833 Yes
0 mg vs 15 mg 1.39436E-08 0.00833 Yes
5 mg vs 10 mg 3.01859E-05 0.00833 Yes
5 mg vs 15 mg 1.57101E-08 0.00833 Yes
10 mg vs 15 mg 6.4824E-08 0.00833 Yes

Experiment 2 (Rat)

T-Test assuming equal variances ' ' '
Descriptive Statistics
VAR Sample size Mean Variance
5 10.516 4.95308
5 11.112 54.80272
Degrees Of Freedom 8 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0.E+0
Test Statistics 0.1724 Pooled Variance 29.8779
Two-tailed distribution
p-level 0.8674 t Critical Value (5%) 2.306
Corrected p-value to achieve significance Significant?
0.025 No


The intention of our study was to validate whether or not LPS had a significant effect on the inflammation protein Inflammotin. Two experiments where conducted: one experiments used rats as a testing group, while another experiment used humans as a testing group.

Experiment 1 (humans): In this experiment, LPS was given to humans in increments of 0mg, 5mg, 10mg, and 15mg. We noticed that there was an exponential increased in LPS and protein levels. As the dosage of LPS increased, the protein level of the test subjects also increased (particularly between the dosages of 10mg and 15mg of LPS). After gathering data and performing an ANOVA test followed by a Bonferroni Correction, we discovered that all of our results are statistically significant as all treatment groups had a p-value less than 0.05. Because each value has statistical significance, our lab group concluded that the increase in human protein levels is directly related to an increase in dosage of LPS.

Experiment 2 (rats): When testing rats with LPS dosages of 0mg and 10mg, our data indicated that there was a minor increase in protein levels and LPS dosage. However, we performed a t-test and upon further inspection discovered that the information gathered is not statistically significant as the p-value is greater than 0.05. From this information, our group concluded that the LPS drug did not have a correlation with the protein levels of rats.