BME100 f2013:W900 Group6 L1

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Name: James Mendoza
Name: Jacob Hulett
Name: Brandon Kehring
Name: Courtney DuBois
Name: Areli Isherwood
Name: student


Independent and Dependent Variables

A. The independent variable is the dosage of lipopolysaccharide (0mg, 2mg, 4mg, 6mg, 8mg, and 10mg).

B. The dependent variable is the protein level of Inflammotin attained from blood samples taken after assaying the blood.

Experimental Design

There will be 6 groups composed of 8 people per group with an equal ratio of male to female test subjects.
Total amount of people being tested will be 48 people; 24 men and 24 women.

Our group plans to vary the amount of dosage for lipopolysaccarhide using an ANOVA test consisting of 6 groups that have 8 people each (4 women and 4 men). The target group of subjects is randomized elderly people (65+ in age). Each group will receive a specific dosage of lipopolysaccharide starting at 0mg increasing by increments of 2mg up to the maximum 10mg dosage. 0mg will be the control group in our experiment. Each group will have blood samples taken, and we will be assaying the blood in order to determine each subject’s protein level of Inflammotin.

Subject Selection

Subjects will be selected at random, with the exception that they are elderly (classified to our group as at least 65 in age), and that in the end, there are 24 men and 24 women selected.

Sources of Error and Bias

Potential biases for this experiment include overall health and lifestyle habits (including exercise and diet). To control overall health, we will give our subjects a general health physical prior to the experiment. Ensuring that they all begin within the same general health standards (heart rate, blood pressure, nonsmoking, etc.). To control lifestyle habits, we will control the food they eat and the amount of exercise they receive.