BME100 f2013:W900 Group3 L2

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Name: Marissa
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Bryce
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Blake
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Shaun Wootten
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Tony


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1: LPS Dosages in Humans

The table above left shows the statistics of how certain dosages of lipopolysaccharide affect the production of inflammation. In the table above right, we used the ANOVA test to analyze our data from more than 2 groups and to establish a p value. We need this to later determine if the data is significant and if the dosage amount has an effect.

Experiment 2: LPS Dosages in Rats

The table above contains the T-Test run to compare the results of two different dosages of LPS.


Experiment 1

Above is the graph of the average Inflammotin produced per human subject for each dosage. The graph also includes error bars, which show how the data varied. The error bars are increasing and offset so we can infer that the data is significant.

Experiment 2

The graph for the average Inflammotin produced in rats as a result of LPS dosage shows that the dosage has no effect on the production. Also, the error bars show that the Inflammotin production varied greatly within each dose therefore the data shows no significance.


Experiment 1

Experiment 2

In the graph named "Inflammotin Production in Rats," the T test produces a result over the .05 threshold allotted for our p-value, indicating that the test could not support a significant difference in the two groups.

According to the inferential statistics we determined statistically significant differences in the data with supported excel bar graphs. As seen in the graphs the increase in dosage of LPS caused the increase in inflammotin in the subjects used in the experiment. In contrast, when we increased the dosage of LPS in rats the inflammotin in the subjects did not increase. Therefore the increase in dosage of LPS has no direct correlation to rats and humans. Also based on the data acquired we can determine significance of the increase of dosage by the T-test, which told us that all dosages were significant because all values were less than .05. This test also concluded that the rat subject group was not significant because the T-test came out to be .867, which is greater than .05 that indicates that the rat subject was insignificant.


As a result of this experiment, we can conclude that the drug Lipopolysaccharide has a statistically significant effect on inflammotin production in human subjects for every variation of dosages. However, the experiment that underwent on the rats did not produce a statistically significant difference in production of inflammotin. The amount of protein produced seemed to increase at an increasing rate with the increase in dosage. The largest variance in protein synthesis in the human subjects occurred at the highest dose, though still well within the range of statistical significance, even after running and Bonferroni correction.