BME100 f2013:W900 Group1 L3

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Name: Kaitlyn Allen
Name: Neema Jamali
Name: Crawford Pederson
Name: Riddhi Rohit
Name: Carter Hill


Descriptive Statistics

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From the very start of the lab, the Wireless thermometer proved to be problematic. When trying to connect through Bluetooth with the iPhone, the signal would not keep. We repeated trying to complete the start-up process with different devices and even different iPhones. From what was observed it seemed the device would drop the signal shortly after it began giving off one. This led to no data being obtained as the group could not get the wireless thermometer to function properly.


The extremely low P value (2.09E-72) and abysmally low Pearson's correlation value (0.168) it is clear that there is a significant discrepancy between the measurements made on the oral thermometer and sensor. Thus, the sensor is incredibly unreliable and should not be used clinically.

The wireless thermometer could not keep a consistent signal. It would show that the device was connected; however, it would not read a signal or stay connected long enough to collect data. There were also instances in which the device would stop sending a signal for no apparent reason. We were unable to record any data because our device was practically useless. One way to improve the device would be developing a more effective way to connect the wireless thermometer to the iPhone (a wired connection may be worth considering). Another issue we had with our device was that the power button on our thermometer was small and very difficult to work with. While it is not necessarily a complete design flaw, it inconveniences the user.


Target Population and Need

Finding the target population is arguably the most important step in the process of making our companies product. Without a target population we cannot design a product that best fits the need of the consumer. For a product that measures temperatures such as ours, the logical choice is to market it to doctors and other medical staff working in both small and large medical facilities such as hospitals. The need of these doctors and other staff is to be able to monitor both the body temperature and heart rate of a patient that is in another room or even another wing of the facility.With a device that performs all the necessary vital measurements in one simple easy to use device that can link doctors with their patients from anywhere in the facility or even from home would be the next best step in vital sensing technology. It would help the doctors really stay up to date with their patients and be able to monitor them more closely. This could also help out insurance companies evaluate their patients for lower rates as well as help doctors keep track of minute by minute changes when a treatment is applied. This device could also help effectively use the limited space in the back of an ambulance and make it easier and quicker for paramedics to evaluate injuries in a short amount of time. It could even help hospitals save money on large and expensive vital measuring devices.

Device Design

Our device will be in shape of the armband which will consist of three thermometers on the interior of the armband (for an accurate average reading). The interior of the band will also be lined with self-inflating air bladders that will act as the pressure cuff along with a microphone used to measure blood pressure and heart rate. Finally, a pulse oximeter will be attached via a wire that will connect to a patient's finger and will be used to gauge blood oxygen levels. An electronic casing will be fixed to the outside of the band in order to hold all of the necessary circuitry to take these measurements.

The device will be compatible with the top EMR (Electronic Medical Records) programs such as: MediTouch, Kareo, Waiting Room Solutions, and Medios EHR. It will wirelessly connect to any of these EMR programs in order to provide constant, accurate vitals for first-responders en route to an emergency room as well as the doctors and nurses in the emergency room.

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Inferential Statistics

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