BME100 f2013:W1200 Group7 L1

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Name: Carlee Farhar
Name: Thalia K. Lebratti
Name: Ambar Khare
Name: Zack Silverman
Name: student
Name: student


Independent and Dependent Variables

The independent variable is the lipopolysaccharide.
The dependent variable is the proteins (Inflammotin) in the elderly.

Experimental Design

Groups We are using 6 groups of test subjects, each group receiving dosage variation of 2 mg.

Number of subjects per group
There will be a total of 120 participants that we will be testing. Six unique groups will be created, each containing twenty people. These groups will be assigned a number, with a specific amount of LPS.

Details of Experiment
-Subjects will be given a daily dose based on their group number.
- Each group dosage will vary by 2 mg and the control group will begin with a dosage of 0mg.
For example: Group 1(control) will recieve 0mg. Group 2 will recieve 2mg. Group 3 will recieve 4mg. Group 4 will recieve 6mg. Group 5 will recieve 8mg. Group 6 will recieve 10mg.
-They will receive the dosage once a day for 6 months.
-Data will be collected once a week to determine the effect of the medication on it's user.
-Each group will be compared against the control
-Anova will be used instead of T-test, as there are more than two sets of data

Matthew Campion did: There will be a total of 120 participants that we will be testing. Six unique groups will be created, containing twenty people. These groups will be assigned a number, with a specific amount of LPS. Group 1(control) will recieve 0mg. Group 2 will recieve 2mg. Group 3 will recieve 4mg. Group 4 will recieve 6mg. Group 5 will recieve 8mg. Group 6 will recieve 10mg.

Subject Selection

1. Each group must have elderly subjects (age 60-70) suffering chronic inflammation since we are trying to increase the inflammatory protien, Inflammotin, in the elderly.
2. In all of the groups, there needs to be same variety of subjects so the experiment can be accurate as possible. The first group of people (20 in each group) need to be randomly selected which will then decide the type of subjects we want in the other groups.
3. To choose the first group, we thought that it would be best to get a large group of elderly test subjects between the ages of 60-70 together and choose every third person to be part of the experiment. If the sample contained 13 elderly men and 7 elderly women, then all the other groups will have to have the same number of each type of subject.
4. We would then interview the first group of people to see what type of health problems they have, their diet, their race, and their living environment.
5. After that, we will try to get the rest of the group to have the same type of subjects as close as possible based on the answers of the first group. In that way all variables are constant (or close) except the dosage (variable being tested)which will give more accurate data.

Sources of Error and Bias

The potential sources of error or biases could be variances in environment between subjects, the health of the subjects (i.e. diet, exercise, and general well-being) conflicting medications and/or illnesses, and gender. Another contributing factor toward error is the economical status of the subjects, their access towards better healthcare, medications, food, and water. Geographical differences (i.e. excessive heat/cold) as well as employment differences such as occupations with higher physicality, little to low physicality, or retirement.