BME100 f2013:W1200 Group3 L1

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Name: Cameron Ghods
Name: Tony Facchini
Name: Morgan Jameson
Name: Samuel Mokdad
Name: Evan Epperson


Independent and Dependent Variables

The Independent variable is the pill dosage of LPS. The dependent variable is the amount of Inflammation in blood samples of the elderly subjects.

(Identify the independent and dependent variable in the mini-problem.)

Experimental Design

We will have a total of six different groups each with a different dosages of LPS.
The groups will be as follows:
Group 1: 0mg (control)
Group 2: 2mg
Group 3: 4mg
Group 4: 6mg
Group 5: 8mg
Group 6: 10mg

Number of subjects per group
Each group will consist of 14 subjects; 7 Men age (65-75) and 7 women age (65-75) who are not currently taking any type of anti-inflammatory medication.

(Add details about your experimental design)
This experiment is being blocked by gender. All test of the protein Inflammotin will be taken from blood samples using ELISA. This data will be examined using an ANOVA Test because there is more than 3 subject groups being tested. We chose these particular dosages to determine the lowest necessary dose to induce an increase the amount of Inflammotin.

Work in this section was done by both Evan Epperson and Sam Mokdad. Sam's openwetware was down.

Subject Selection

We are going to randomly choose subjects who are between 65-75 years of age. We will not be considering any applicants who are currently on taking anti-inflammatory medications. We will choose 84 subjects total, 42 men and 42 women. We will make participation in this experiment voluntary and will require applicants to fill out forms which outline prior health conditions, medical records, etc. just for reference.

Cameron Ghods helped me write this section.

(Discuss considerations of how subjects are to be selected.)

Sources of Error and Bias

(What are some of the potential sources of error or biases that could affect your results and how would you control for them?)
Incorrect amount of LPS each sample receives. Type of blood samples that data is extracted from Age range of the blood samples Physical well-being of the body from where the blood samples were taken health conditions of the body from the blood samples Voluntary response bias Medication taken by test subject

Sam Mokdad also contributed