BME100 f2013:W1200 Group13 L3

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"The Benda'"
"The Tank"


Descriptive Statistics

The Mean of the oral thermometer is 97.5661, and the Sensor had a mean of 96.13701. The difference between the two averages was 1.42909; so even though the sensor had errors and often times wasn't close to the oral thermometer temperature, overall there wasn't as much of a difference as one may expect. The standard deviation of the oral thermometer temperatures was 1.030571, and the sensor had a standard deviation of 1.640578. The oral thermometer is more centrally located around the mean because it has a smaller standard deviation; whereas the sensor has a greater standard deviation making it more spread out. The variance of the oral thermometer is 1.062077, and the variance of the sensor is 2.6915. Therefore it is easier to see that the sensor varies more, and is not as reliable as the regular oral thermometer.



Since the t-test resulted in a P value of 8.048E-18, and it is significantly smaller than .05 which indicates that with a 95% confidence it can be claimed that there is a statistical difference between the sensor and oral thermometer results. The Pearsons R-Value for correlation is 0.021715 there is little correlation between the sensor and oral thermometer readings. Therefore, the sensor was inaccurate and unreliable.


Both the oral and the sensor temperature readings vary in accuracy. They both reached a low minimum average in degrees Farenheit, which is unprobable in the conditions of the experiment. The temperature readings were not always probable or consistent in a controlled environment. Some design flaws of the sensor are that the sensor lost connection multiple times throughout the readings, the readings were mostly innacurate and unreliable, and the placement of the sensor under the armpit can be varied in multiple subjects, making the readings inaccurate. Since the p-value and the T-test is less than .05 there is a statistical difference. Also since the correlation value is less than 1, there is a weak correlation between the two devices.


Target Population and Need

The target population for the Temperature Crown would be anyone who needs their temperature taken, specifically for athletes. The Temperature Crown gives them a clear reading of their temperature to keep them safe. After a game, match, or event, an athlete can get immediate feed back on body temperature. For athletes involved in different sports, the temperature can be too high or too low. For winter sports athletes, or sports involving ice, these athletes can become lethargic if their body temperatures drop to low. For summer athletes, their body temperatures can become too high causing heat strokes or overheating. With the Temperature Crown, trainers and coaches can read their players body temperatures and keep them hydrated so they can keep their peak performance.

Device Design

Description of Device:

The actual headband is the purple/pink band shown in the drawing. The headband has a blue sensor located on the inside covering the entire headband ensuring a reading can be taken regardless of position of the headband. Inside of the headband there is a small circuit that records the data and temperature taken from the sensor and either stores it or sends it via wifi from the crown to your phone. If the wifi transmitter (crown) is connected to the device then the temperature will be sent to your phone and you can look at your temperature within seconds of the reading. If you don't have the headband connected to the wifi you will still be given a warning when your temperature is too high or too low, but the actual recorded temperature will be stored in the headband and then can be downloaded at a later time. The alarm is set off when the sensor records a certain temperature( approximately 102.00 degrees, or 95 degrees) then the information is sent through the circuit and the device will beep; warning you that your temperature is too high or low and you may cause damage to your body if you continue activity. The headband takes into account your normal body temperature as well so the warning may be higher or lower depending on the person. The reason this device is beneficial is because athletes can use the headband as a temperature recorder as well as an actual headband. There are multiple color options, and sizes that way everyone is able to get the most accurate reading comfortably. You can rule your temperature with the temperature crown headband easily and efficiently. The crown is also incentive for girls to buy it especially younger kids playing sports who maybe don't understand the importance of watching your temperature and the dangers that can come with over heating. However, for convenience it is not required to wear the crown in order to get accurate temperature readings, just the headband. The temperature crown headband is powered by small watch batteries in order to not affect the person.

Inferential Statistics

These inferential statistics support our claim that the Temperature Crown is substantially equivalent to a common thermometer. Our value from the t-test shows that there is no significant difference between the experimental data from the thermometer and the Temperature Crown, since it is much higher than the threshold of .05. Our value for the Pearson's R-value show that there is direct correlation between the two sets of data, to a degree of ~99.9%.


In the graphs you can see the oral thermometer which represents our control group in orange. Then in the blue is the data from our tests of the temperature crown. The temperature was taken with both the oral thermometer and the Temperature Crown at the same time and the results were recorded. We took 30tests. The first 10 points are of a normal person in their normal home environment. The second 10 (11-20) where of the athlete playing basketball, still heat rising but in a controlled air conditioned environment. The last 10 (21-30) the athlete played football and once again 10 readings were recorded. The Temperature crown matched the oral thermometer exactly except for 1 out of the 5 readings resulted in the temperature crown being off by .1 degrees. This data is represented in the graph because, except for 6 points, it looks like there is only 1 line. This means that the headband (Temperature Crown) is extremely accurate.