BME100 f2013:W1200 Group11 L1
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OUR TEAMLAB 1 WRITE-UPIndependent and Dependent VariablesIndependent Variable Experimental DesignGroups Number of subjects per group Objective Hypothesis Subject SelectionWe will take simple random sample of 200 people who are between the ages 60-80 and are from Tempe, Arizona. Qualified subjects cannot be taking medications that interfere with the lipopolysaccharide, nor can they be taking medications that contain other sources of lipopolycassharide. Sources of Error and Bias1)A source of error that may arise from the experiment could be a possibility of varying results due to a significantly large range of the dosages of LPS within the groups because we may harm or injure patients because they may receive too much LPS. 2)Alternatively, the range of dosage levels of the LPS may be too small and may not give us the amount of results needed to see a significant increase in protein levels. 3)Another source of error could be that the health and age of the subjects are very subject because it can be any person above the age of 60; the health of a 90 year old for example is significantly more different than one of a 65 year old, potentially giving drastically different results. 4)Although we are separating people randomly into groups, there is the chance that people with similar characteristics are placed into one group. These individuals may react similarly to the dosage and the results will not only be due to varying dosage levels. The best way to control for this is to have a large sample size so that it is less likely that all the similar people are placed into one group. 5)By selecting subjects from various states we would be able to collect a more accurate and more representative set of data on the experiment. 6)Outside factors such as diet and exercise can influence results. We can control this by imposing strict guidelines on the patients which tell them how long to exercise for and what/how much food to eat.