BISC220/S13:Guidelines for literature search & source citation

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   <strong>BISC 220 Cellular Physiology</strong>
   <p class="style5">The following resources 
 may be helpful in completing research assignments for the course.  Feel free to contact the Wellesley College Science Reference Librarian, Neil Nero, for further help. 
<a href="mailto:">Neil Nero</a></p>
   <p class="style5"><strong>Contents</strong>:
   <ul class="style1">
     <li><a href="#cycle">Learn about the research cycle</a> </li>
     <li><a href=#background>Find background</a></li>
     <li><a href=#books>Find books</a><a href=#background><br>
     <li><a href="#articles">Find journal  articles</a></li>



     <td colspan="2" valign="top"><span class="style1"><a href="">Offcampus Access </a>&middot;<a href=""> Databases A-Z </a>&middot; <a href="">Research Guides by Subject</a> | <a href=""> by Course</a> &middot; <a href="">Reference Books Online</a> &middot; <a href="">Library Catalog</a></span></td>

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 <p><strong><a name="cycle"></a>Learn about the research cycle</strong></p>
   <p><a href="">Scientific Research Process &amp; Publication Cycle</a> - primary, secondary, and access (or tertiary) literature (Humboldt State University, February 6, 2008)<br>
     <a href="">Peer Review in a Nutshell</a> - &quot;scientific quality control&quot; (Science Media Centre, London, September 29, 2003)<br>
     <a href="">Open Access Journal Literature</a> (PennState World Campus, Terra Incognita, September 5, 2007)<br>
 <p><a name="background" id="background"></a><strong>Find background</strong></p>
 <p>Reference works (online or print) can be 
     used to acquire basic information 
     on an unfamiliar concept or to gather ideas for your topic.</p>
   <p><strong>Language of </strong><strong>Science</strong><br>
       <a href="">Deciphering Medspeak</a> - Medical Library Association <br>
       <em>Melloni's Illustrated Medical Dictionary</em> - <span class="style12">Science Reference q R121 .D76 2002</span></p>
   <p> <strong>Mega-Resources<br>
   </strong><span class="style12"><a href="">Credo Reference</a> - Medicine and Biology<br>
   </span><a href="">Oxford Reference Online - Medicine</a>  - Advanced Search </p>
 <p><a name="books"></a><strong>Find books</strong></p>
 <p><a href="">Wellesley
   College Library Catalog</a> </p>
   <li><strong><em>tip:</em></strong> in the<a href=""> library catalog</a>, start with keyword &gt; choose a useful book               &gt; Full Record tab - follow the subject links to find more on that               topic</li>
   <li><strong><em>tip:</em></strong> to see the subscription details for a print journal or serial ['Lib has'] &gt; Full Record tab.</li>


 <p><a name="articles"></a><strong>Find journal  articles</strong></p>
 <p>The following databases provide either full-text articles or citations (information
   about when and where the peer-reviewed article was published). </p>
 <li>Use the <a href="">Find
     It! @ Wellesley</a><img src="" width="85" height="20">link
   from each citation to search one or more electronic journal sources or to search 
   our Library Catalog. </li>
 <li>If Wellesley College cannot access the article, use the 'Find It' link to Interlibrary Loan, which automatically links the requestor to a form to submit for either
     <li>NExpress (several nearby libraries, often arrives in 2-3 days) or </li>
     <li>ILL (thousands of libraries worldwide, arrives in 2days - 2weeks). </font></li>
   <p><u>Popular &amp; scientific articles</u> - great places to start your search<br>
     <li>Scholarly or Popular? Handout</li>
         <li><a href="">Scholarly or Popular Periodicals</a> - Differences - <a href="">Video clip</a> (College of St. Catherine Libraries, Minnesota, May 2008)<br>
         <li><a href="">Ulrich's Periodicals Directory</a> - Database describes academic/scholarly, trade, and popular types of publications</li>
     <li><a href="">Academic Search Complete</a> - dates vary, from mid-1970s to within 6-12 months of present date - <a href="">Off-campus Link</a></li>
     <li><a href=",uid&profile=sciamehost">Scientific American Archive</a> - 1993-present - interdisciplinary overviews - <a href=",uid&profile=sciamehost">Off-campus Link</a></li>
   <p><u>More databases</u><strong> </strong>- cover peer-reviewed articles</p>
     <li><a href="">PubMed</a> -  articles in all fields of medicine and biomedicine, 1949-present, <span class="style12"><a href="">PubMed 
       Basics;</a></span><a href=""> Saving Citations &amp; Time with Clipboard</a></li>
           <li><a href="">Science
           Direct </a>- online articles (= green icon) for hundreds of scientific journals, from 1995 onward - <a href="">Off-campus link</a></li>
   <p>For individual help, please  consult Science Librarian <a href="mailto:">Neil Nero</a></p>

<p><u>Citing sources</u></p> <p><a href="">What &amp; How to Cite</a> - Advice re: direct quotations, paraphrasing, and patchworking (Duke University Libraries)</p> </p> <p align="left">- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </p> <p>Return

 to Research Guides by Subject: <a href="">Biological Sciences</a><br>

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