BISC110/F11: Series 1 Lab 5 Fig Design Scientific Writing

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Series 1 Lab 5 Scientific Writing and Effective Figure Design

You and your partner will present your phagocytosis data from your self-designed experiment. The presentations will be made in a room that is quieter than the lab and more conducive to comfortable discussion. Your instructor will let you know in advance where to meet. Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint® and email your presentation to yourself so you can access it on the computer in the classroom.

After your presentations you will have a writing workshop to prepare for your first scientific partial paper that is due in lab 6. Please be sure to re-read the journal article assigned (Gronlien, H.K., Berg, T., Lovlie, A.M. (2002). In the polymorphic ciliate Tetrahymena vorax, the non-selective phagocytosis seen in microstomes changes to a highly selective process in macrostomes, J. Exp. Biol. 205, 2089-2097) and be ready to analyze its style and structure.

Finally, your instructor will introduce you to resources for finding primary journal articles needed to write your scientific style reports this semester.

Reference Articles:
General Articles on Tetrahymena Phagocytosis
Gronlien, H.K., Berg, T., Lovlie, A.M. (2002). In the polymorphic ciliate Tetrahymena vorax, the non-selective phagocytosis seen in microstomes changes to a highly selective process in macrostomes, J. Exp. Biol. 205, 2089-2097.

Jacobs, M.E., DeSouz,e L.V., Samaranayake, H., Pearlman, R.E., Sui, K.W.M., Klobutcher, L.A. (2006). The Tetrahymena thermophila phagosome proteome, Eukaryotic Cell 5, 1990-2000.

McLaughlin, N.B., and Buhse,H.E., Jr. (2004). Localization by indirect immunofluorescence of tetrin, actin, and centrin to the oral apparatus and buccal cavity of the macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax., J Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51, 253-257.

Suhr-Jessen, P.B. and Orias, E. (1979). Mutants of Tetrahymena thermophila with temperature sensitive food vacuole formation, 1. Isolation and genetic characterization. Genetics 92, 1061-1077.

General Article on Phagocytosis:
Desjardines, M. and Griffiths, G. (2003). Phagocytosis: latex leads the way. Current Opinions in Cell Biology 15, 498-503. doi: 10.1016/S09555-0674(03)00083-8.

Article on Actin role in Motility and Phagocytosis:
Williams, N.E., Tsao, C., Bowen, J., Hehman, G.L., Williams, R.J., Frankel, J. (2006). The actin gene ACT1 is required for phagocytosis, motiliy, and cell separation of Tetrahymena thermophila. Eurkaryotic Cell 5,555-567. doi: 10.1128/EC.5.3.555-567.2006

Articles on Inhibitors:
Massol, P., Montcourrie, P. ,Guillemot, J., Chavrier, P. (1998). FC receptor-mediated phagocytosis requires CDC42 and Rac1. EMBO. 17, 6219-6229.

Teixeira, J.E. and Mann, B.J., (2002) Entamoeba histolytica-induced dephosphorylation in host cells. Infection and Immunity, 70, 1816-1823. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.70.4.1816–1823.2002

Yanaga, F., Asselin, J., Schieven, G.L., Watson, S.P. (1995). Phenylarsine oxide inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cy2 in human platelets and phospholipase Cyl in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. FEBS Letters, 368, 377-380.

Dorn, D.C., Kou, C.A., Png, K.J., Moore, M.A.S., (2009). The effect of cantharidins on leukemic stem cells. Int. J. Cancer: 124, 2186–2199.

Knapp, J., Boknı,´k. P., Huke, S., Gombosova, I.´, Linck, B., Lu¨ss, H., Mu¨ller, F.U., Mu¨ller, T., Nacke, P., Schmitz, W., Vahlensieck, U., aNeumann, J.,(1998). Contractility and Inhibition of Protein Phosphatases by Cantharidin. Gen. Pharmac. 31, 729–733.

Samari, H.R..,MØller, M.T.N., Holden, L., Asmyhr, T., Seglen, P.O. (2005). Stimulation of hepatocytic AMP-activated protein kinase by okadaic acid and other autophagy-suppressive toxins. Biochem. J. 386, 237–244.

PAO + Cantharadin

Kovacs P and Pinter M., Effects of phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibitors (phenylarsine oxide and cantharidin) on Tetrahymena. (2001) Cell Biochemistry and Function, 19, 197-205.

Cytochalasin B
Gavin RH (1976) The oral apparatus of Tetrahymena pyriformis, strain WH-6. 11. Cytochalasin B inhibition of oral apparatus morphogenesis. . J. Exp. Zool. 197, 59-64.

Gavin RH, (1976 -2) The oral apparatus of Tetrahymena pyriformis, strain WH-6 111. The binding of the 3H-cytochalasinB by the isolated oral apparatus. J. Exp. Zool. 197, 65-70.

Hoffman, E.K., Rasmussen, L., Zeuthen, E., (1974) Cytochalasin-B: aspects of phagocytosis in nutrient uptake in Tetrahymena. J. Cell Set. 15, 403-406.

Nilsson, J.R.,. Ricketts, T.R., Zeuthen, E. (1973). Effects of cytochalasin B on cell division and vacuole formation in Tetrahymena pyriformis. GL. Exptl Cell Res. 79, 456-459.

Kova´cs, P. and Csaba, G., (2006). Effect of drugs affecting microtubular assembly on microtubules, phospholipid synthesis and physiological indices (signalling, growth, motility and phagocytosis)in Tetrahymena pyriformis. Cell Biochem Funct. 24, 419–429. DOI: 10.1027/cbf.1238

Stargell, L.A., Heruth, D.P., Gaertig, J., Gorovsky, M.A., (1992). Drugs Affecting Microtubule Dynamics Increase cx-Tubulin mRNA Accumulation via Transcription in Tetrahymena thermophila. Molecular and Cell Biology 4, 1443-1450. DOI:0270-7306/92/041443-08$02.00/0

Nilsson, J.R., (1974), Effects of DMSO on vacuole formation contractile vacuole function, and nuclear division in Tetrahymena pyriformis GL. . J. Cell Sci. 16, 39-47 .


1. Write a partial research report style scientific paper based on your experiments, consisting of a Title, Results, Discussion and References sections. It will be due at the start of Lab 6. You will not receive any extra credit for including Abstract, Introduction and Methods sections. Consult the BISC110/F11:Resources section of the Lab wiki to find helpful guidelines for writing lab reports in scientific style. Please, also, review your notes from the writing workshop. Your instructor may provide additional instructions regarding this assignment. Note that there are Science Writing peer-tutors available for scheduled assistance through the Writing Program and the PLTC. More information about scheduling a session with a writing tutor is available through the Writing Program's web site at: Wellesley College Writing Program Resources.

For your Results section, present the results from all of the experiments that you performed in Lab 4. Your results section should include a figure or figures of photomicrographs (images that you took with the digital cameras) and at least one graph or table showing a processed (not raw data)form of your measurements. Each figure/table should be incorporated into the report just after you introduce it in the narrative form of the results.

Your instructor will return your paper in Lab 7 with comments and a grade.

All assignments must be submitted according to your instructor's directions (either hard copy in class or electronic). There is a penalty for late work and no credit is given for work more than a week overdue.

2. Your lab instructor may collect your lab notebooks for inspection at the end of the next lab (Lab 6). The notebooks will be returned at the beginning of Lab 7 (or before, if possible).

3. Before coming to the next lab, read all the material in Lab 6 of Series 2, Genetics and, in your lab notebook, prepare a flow chart of the experimental procedures that you will perform in Lab 6.