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Department of Physics, Willamette University


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Mara and Trajan gave an excellent talk on their summer research at the Summer Collaborative Research Program (SCRP) symposium (September 2024)

It's been an exciting end of the semester with the Physics Juniors presenting their thesis proposals (left) and the Physics Seniors presenting their thesis research at Willamette's SSRD (April 2024)

John gave an amazing talk about his research to Willamette's Institute for Continued Learning (April 11, 2024)

I had a great time speaking to students at the Holy Rosary High School in Lloydminster, Alberta through the Skype-a-Scientist program (January 2024)

David, Ella, and John at the 2023 SCRP Symposium on Willamette's campus (September 2023)

Summer research with Ella and John has begun! (June 2023)

Diane and Tara present their research at the 2019 Oregon Bioengineering Symposium. (November 2019)

Marika and Jacob killed it at SSRD when they presented their thesis work! (April 2016)

In the lab (October 2015)

Celebrating with the seniors at the Physics Dinner! (May 5, 2015)

Elisa Ahern (top, left), Forrest Betton (top, right), and Max Vellequette (bottom) present their theses at Willamette (May 1, 2015)

Congrats to Anders Koll, Rebekah Daniel, and Jay Howard for excellent thesis presentations at Linfield College! (April 19, 2014)

The Altman lab seniors recreate the gliding filament and three-bead assays. (April 19, 2014)

Rebekah Daniel presented the work she and Bianca Nagata have done at the Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting in San Francisco (February 15-19, 2014).

Jay Howard at the Conference on Undergraduate Research of the Murdock College Science Research Program, October 26–27, 2012 at Whitman College (left) and Rebekah Daniel and Bianca Nagata's poster at the same conference (right).