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Alex Holcombe
• Ryo Nakayama


Skills Checklist
Python Programming
Psychopy/VisionEgg Installation Notes
R analysis,plot,stats
Buttonbox with photocell
Programming Cheat Sheets

  • WINDOWS: Psychopy installation. It is easier to intall Enthought Python Distribution that contains all the necessary dependencies than to install at hand one by one the dependencies. Using Enthought, however, I found incompatibilities with Visionegg. Installing the dependencies at hand I did not have problems to run both programs in the same computer.
  • OSX confusingly has two places for Python, /System/Library/... and also /Library/... You want to use /Library version. Some python installation instructions, related issue

Site packages (like visionegg) should reside in a directory given by, at python prompt: from distutils.sysconfig import *

print get_python_lib() 

Everything I didn't want to know about installing python packages

installation experience of Fahed on Linux

installation experience with python2.5 on Intel laptop --Alex O. Holcombe 01:58, 23 March 2009 (EDT)

demos/mouse_pygame.py doesn't work because the default window type is pyglet, as revealed by

myWin = visual.Window((600.0,600.0), allowGUI=True, fullscrn=0)
myWin.winType  #gives you pyglet

Pre-python 2.4, pygame is used for mouse functions, sounds, and other things. Could force use of pygame:

myWin = visual.Window((600.0,600.0), allowGUI=True, fullscrn=0, winType="pygame")

However still the way we draw things in our programs doesn't work, not sure why. Ah, apparently going to python2.5 is supposed to use pyglet for everything, which requires different functions for mouse polling (see demo: mouse.py) and maybe other minor changes, see next section:

adapting to pyglet

  • The 'depth=-1' kwarg which I was using for fixation now makes it invisible. Just delete it, we don't seem to need it
  • The functions for polling the mouse have different names. I handle that by giving the functions the same names:

if win.winType == 'pyglet':
  myMouse = event.Mouse(win=win)
  getRelMouseCoords = myMouse.getRel
  getMouseButtons = myMouse.getPressed
  myMouse = event.mouse #pygame
  getRelMouseCoords = myMouse.get_rel
  getMouseButtons = myMouse.get_pressed


I think I didn't use that version (with pyglet extensions) with 2.5 yet. Will try to look into it.

I think it's to do with PsychoPy selecting the wrong openGL to draw to (PyOpenGL and pyglet.GL aren't compatible and require different argument types). I should be able to look into it, but could you let me know which version of Pyglet (if any) you've installed?

cheers, as ever, for the useful feedback, Jon

Alex Holcombe wrote: Hi Jon, We have a new machine and decided to try using psychopy with python2.5. We installed from source PsychoPy-0.93.4 and tried to install the dependencies correctly by going through the list in the dependenciesOSXuniversal package for python2.4, and finding the appropriate packages on the web for python2.5. Unfortunately upon running the psychopy demos we get an error triggered by the visual.Patchstim commands, for example upon running clockface.py we get the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "clockface.py", line 12, in <module>
  tex=None, mask=minHand,interpolate=False)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/psychopy/visual.py", line 1030, in __init__
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/psychopy/visual.py", line 1533, in _setTexNoShaders
  GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_1D, self.texID)#bind that name to the target

ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 2: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: wrong type

We can go back to using psychopy with python2.4 if necessary, but I thought I'd let you know about this as you mentioned on the webpage that you might provide Python2.5 installers if someone asked. Incidentally, even other demo programs not dependent on visual seem to get errors, such as demo_sound.py, which gives the output at the bottom of this email. Anyway no worries if you don't have time for this, thanks for all the code, we're happily using psychopy in conjunction with some visionEgg for all our experiments now.

cheers Alex

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "demo_sound.py", line 4, in <module>
  sound.init(rate=22050, bits=16, stereo=True, buffer=1024)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/psychopy/sound.py", line 67, in init
  mixer.init(rate, bits, stereoChans, buffer) #defaults: 22050Hz, 16bit, stereo,

pygame.error: Failed to start CoreAudio: AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat)

On 26/02/2008, at 4:50 AM, Jon Peirce wrote:

Hi Alex, two options. This is the code I used just to get thigns going, and tested against a parallel port on winXP. Pyglet sounds can be used alongside pygame for windowing etc... so that you don't need to change too much other code. One thing you should be aware of is the need to dispatch_events() for pyglet.media

Alternatively, the pyglet backend for PsychoPy is nearly there. The only things missing are a set.gamma function for the window (do you need gamma correction?) and controls for the mouse. I'll try and have a new OS X build for you to play with in the next 1/2 hr. Obviously, going this route will need a bit more testing at your end to make sure it

chrs, Jon

  1. test the speed of a keypress detection

import ctypes, numpy from psychopy import event, visual, core, _parallel import pyglet.media, pyglet.media.procedural

class ArraySnd(pyglet.media.procedural.ProceduralSource):

Create a pyglet.StaticSource from a numpy array.
def __init__(self, data, sample_rate=44800, sample_size=16):
    """Array data should be float (-+1.0)
    sample_size (16 or 8) determines the number of bits used for subsequent storage"""
    duration = len(data)/float(sample_rate) #determine duration from data
    super(ArraySnd, self).__init__(duration,sample_rate, sample_size)
    self.sample_rate = sample_rate
          if sample_size==8:          #ubyte
        self.allData = (data*127+127).astype(numpy.uint8)
    elif sample_size==16:      #signed int16
        self.allData = (data*32767).astype(numpy.int16)
      def _generate_data(self, bytes, offset):
    if self._bytes_per_sample == 1:#ubyte
        start = offset
        samples = bytes
    else:                        #signed int16
        start = offset >> 1
        samples = bytes >> 1
    return (self.allData[start:(start+samples)]).tostring()

def makeSine(duration, frequency=440, sample_rate=44800, sample_size=16): step = frequency * (numpy.pi * 2) / sample_rate

samples = sample_rate*duration
snd = ArraySnd(numpy.sin(step*(numpy.arange(samples))), sample_rate, sample_size)
return snd
           win = visual.Window([200,200],winType='pygame')

A = makeSine(1, 220, sample_size=16)

  1. A = pyglet.media.procedural.Sine(1,220)


LPT1 = 0x378#address for parallel port on many machines pinNumber = 2#choose a pin to write to (2-9). A.play() _parallel.out(LPT1, 2**(pinNumber-2))#sets just this pin to be high (pin2 represent databit 0, pin3=bit1...)

clock = core.Clock() while clock.getTime()<5.0:

pyglet.media.dispatch_events()#have to call this or pyglet sound manager doesn't update its buffer
if len(event.getKeys())>0:

core.wait(0.01) _parallel.out(LPT1, 0)#sets all pins low