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All assignments except the biweekly "blog" should be dropped into the homework drop-box, found here

  • Blog(individual grade, up to 30% of your final grade)
    • Blogs due by Friday at 5PM
      • after week 2, 2.11.11
      • after week 4, 2.25.11
      • after week 6, 3.11.11
      • after week 8, 4.1.11
      • after week 10, 4.15.11
      • after week 12, 4.29.11
    • Summary of blogs should be dropped into homework dropbox on the 20.020 Stellar site by midnight on the last day of the term, 5.12.11
  • Team Project Presentations (team grade, up to 65% of your final grade)
  • Instructor Leverage (individual grade, up to 5% of your final grade)

Class policies

Students in 20.020 should:

  1. Do great things
  2. Do their best
  3. Come to class with an open mind and some energy to engage with the challenges
  4. Work collegially and constructively
  5. Tell people who need to know if there is a problem