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All assignments except the biweekly "blog" should be dropped into the homework drop-box, found here
- Blog(individual grade, up to 30% of your final grade)
- Blogs due by Friday at 5PM
- after week 2, 2.11.11
- after week 4, 2.25.11
- after week 6, 3.11.11
- after week 8, 4.1.11
- after week 10, 4.15.11
- after week 12, 4.29.11
- Summary of blogs should be dropped into homework dropbox on the 20.020 Stellar site by midnight on the last day of the term, 5.12.11
- Blogs due by Friday at 5PM
- Team Project Presentations (team grade, up to 65% of your final grade)
- "3 Ideas Presentation" (15%)
- "Technical Specification Review" (15%)
- Final Presentation
- technical documents (15%)
- presentation (20%)
- Instructor Leverage (individual grade, up to 5% of your final grade)
Class policies
Students in 20.020 should:
- Do great things
- Do their best
- Come to class with an open mind and some energy to engage with the challenges
- Work collegially and constructively
- Tell people who need to know if there is a problem