20.109 (S07): Atomic force microscopy

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20.109: Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Home        People        Schedule Spring 2007        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
Genome Engineering        Biophysical Signal Measurement        Expression Engineering        Biomaterial Engineering       



Part 1: phage preparation

Part 2: wafer preparation

Part 3: presentation instruction

For Next Time

Prepare a 10 minute powerpoint talk that describes the research question you have identified, how you propose to study the question and what you hope to learn. More detailed descriptions of the required elements for this oral presentation can be found in the guidelines for writing and speaking. When your presentation is ready, please email your presention to nkuldell AT mit DOT edu. Speaking order will be determined by the order that presentations are recieved.

On the day you present (see announcements on front page for when and where) your team should print out and bring three copies of your powerpoint slides. Black and white is fine and you can print more than one slide per page if you like. You should also write and print out your "talking points" into the comments box of each of the slides you'll present. These are speaking notes for your presentation. They should include the words you'll use to describe each slide and the transitions you've planned between them. For example from last year's presentations, one slide's talking points were:
"Slide shows normalized data (we took logs)

    • Red color used for down regulated genes
    • Lime green for upregulated
    • Olive green used when nothing changed

We dictated what would be considered “Nothing” by putting them into bins Arbitrarily assigned ‘nothing’ as anything between -1 and 1, because it could just have to do with background and the such

Note many open reading frames and hypothetical proteins

Now let’s look at each component individually!"

You will be graded on the integrated success of your presentation: concepts, slides, talking points, and presentation.
