20.109(F10):DNA engineering "P3"

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20.109(F10): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Home        People        Schedule Fall 2010        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        System Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

Submission: October 12th, 2010

Submission: revised to be due on Wednesday October 13th, 2010

  • This assignment is due by 11:00 a.m. Please turn in your progress reports electronically by uploading them to the Stellar website that is associated with our class. It is important that you name your files according to this convention: Firstinitial_Lastname_LabSection_Mod1.doc, for example: S_Hockfield_TR_Mod1.doc

There will be a 1/3 letter grade penalty for each day (24 hour period) late. If you are submitting your assignment after the due date, it must be emailed to nlerner, lsutliff, and nkuldell AT mit DOT edu. There will be no re-write option on this assignment.

  • There will be no rewrites for this assignment, though you will receive feedback on the quality of your work.

Guidelines for Module 1 "P3"

P3 is short for "Powerpoint Pitch." Take the data you've collected at the end of the DNA engineering module and craft it into a persuasive presentation that you might offer to the scientific advisory board of a company or to a funding agency when research priorities are being assessed. In no more than 10 slides convey:

  • What assay are you developing
  • Why the board or funding agency should care
  • What data you have so far
  • How robust your data appears (include performance of any controls as well as any relevant statistics here!)
  • What the weaknesses of your approach are
  • Why this approach might be taken over others (this requires you identify competing technologies)
  • What further applications you envision for your assay

This assignment is submitted as a powerpoint file but you will _not_ have the opportunity to present the slides orally. The deck of slides will have to be as self-explanatory as possible.

Good luck and have fun!