20.109(F09): old announcements

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20.109(F09): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Home        People        Schedule Fall 2009        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        System Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

Module 2

  • W/F Western data is up: here
  • Update: Slides from the OH are posted on the Schedule page, under Mod 2 Day 7. Agi's office hours will be on Monday (Nov 9th) from 1:30-3 pm in room 16-336. The first 15 min or so of OH will be a lecture on the different parts of a research article, with a focus on the differences between Results and Discussion sections.
  • T/R Western blots are scanned and images are posted here
  • To help with the upcoming research article that's due 11.12 or 11.13, NK will have office hours on Tuesday November 10th from 11-1 in the lab.
  • W/F diagnostic digest gels are now posted along with the T/R gels (see below).
  • T/R agarose gels for Mod2 K+ and P+ candidates are now posted here
  • Sign-up for a journal article day (M2D4 or M2D7) is on the Module 2, Day 1 "Talk" page.
  • Agi's office hours for the journal club assignment will be by appointment only (arranged by email or in person).

Module 1

  • For some of the first groups, I didn't give you the stats on green cells (which you need). Please post your image, and I will post over you images so that you will have them. I will have them up by noon on Friday. Thanks-MSJ
  • Office hours with NK to discuss the memo assignment on Sunday in lab 3-5...
  • In preparation for the memo assignment, Agi will have office hours on Wednesday, October 14th, from 3:30-5 pm in room 16-336.
  • The sequence information for pCXNNX can be found here (note that there are a lot of similar sounding plasmids, so you will need to choose carefully)
  • In response to a question that's been asked by a couple of folks: for the HR figure in your progress report you can use the figure that's been used in lecture, but you must redraw it and you must also cite a primary journal or text reference for the information (not "Engelward lectures, 2009").
  • Don't forget to read the Rad51 paper and the Statistics paper. For the statistics paper, you are not responsible for knowing material past the double line on page 57 (sec 4-3 on). Be sure to understand the information about t-tests.

Please see the talk page for 10/6 for questions to consider and items to focus on for the in class discussion.

  • Please post the enzymes you used and the bands you expected out of your double digest to the talk page for M1D6
  • Agi's pre-(progress report) office hours will be on Sunday from 4-5:30 pm, in room 16-336. She will also be available on Tuesday from 3-4 pm, in room 16-319. (The latter session will be to address quick conceptual/writing questions only, not for intensive assistance.)
  • NK will have office hours in advance of due date for the Mod 1 Progress Reports--stop by lab from 3-5 on Saturday Oct 3rd if you have questions.
  • The results are in! You can examine the amount of DNA you've recovered from the purification of bkb and insert out of agarose. Gels are posted here.. Thanks Michelle!
  • We'll be staying in 26-168 since it's way better than 66-144.
  • We're still working on finding a better lecture room but for Thursday Sept 17th we'll meet in 26-168.
  • As of the morning on 09.15.09, the registrar's office has not yet given us a different room for lecture so we'll meet in 66-144 once more today.