20.109(F07): old announcements
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Old announcements
Mod 3 announcements
- Oral presentations of your research proposals: 56-302 on Thurs, December 6th and 56-402 on Friday, December 7th
- No lecture on 11.20 or lab 11.20/11.21. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.
Mod 2 announcements
- Reminder: there will be no lecture on 11.06.07 to give everyone extra time to work on their oral presentations.
- Mod2 Oral presentations will be 1-5 PM in 56-302 for November 6th, and 56-402 for November 7th
- PowerPoint slides and a handout from Neal's 10/23 presentation to class for writing your Expression Engineering Report can be found on Neal's page.
Mod 1 announcements
No Office Hours this Sunday, but will continue in the Coffeehouse on Wednesday as usual, 9-10 PM.
- T/R Western blots have been uploaded here
- Additional info for Part 4 of your portfolio:
- Bank of America would be an example of a service industry.
- Apple is a high tech company.
- Best Buy or Macy's would be retail.
Hope that clarifies some of the assignment...
- Mod 1 Oral Presentations are nearly here! If you'd like to present one of the articles that focus on Genome Engineering, sign-up here. Presentations will take place Thursday Oct 4th and Friday Oct 5th from 1-5 in 56-402. Even if you don't present, you will have to attend to support and ask good questions of your classmates.
- Check out 20.109 featured on the front page for OWW
- Pictures of the gels from the TR lab for M1D4 are uploaded to the talk page for that day in lab. Very nicely done!
- Pictures of the gels from the TR lab for M1D2 are uploaded to the talk page for that day in lab. Nice work!!