User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2011/06/30

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The Daily Grind

  • The washed mud settled very well over night, allowing me to decant 1000 ml away. 500 ml stayed mixed with the red mud however. Dont know what the salt content might be now, but the pH remained constant at 6.3.
  • Planted two germinated seeds in each soil treatment in sealed magenta jars. These were then put in a germination cabinet with 6 am - 6 pm light (very low levels) at 25 degrees celcius.
  • Soil treatments were 2:1 sand:vermiculite based, with 150 ml of this in 1, 2 - 100 ml s:v + 50 ml iron subsoil, 3 - 100 ml s:v + 50 ml iron subsoil + 50 ml pH 6 red mud slurry, 4 - 100 ml s:v + 100 ml pH 6 red mud slurry, 5 - 100 ml s:v + 50 ml pH 10.5 red mud, 6 - 100 ml s:v + 50 ml EMBRAPA topsoil. 50 mL of distilled water was added to each except the red mud slurry containing treatments which were estimated to already contain 50 mL water.