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<li><a href="">Home</a></li> <li><a href="">Background</a></li> <li><a href="">Method</a></li> <li><a href="">Medical Application</a></li> <li><a href="">Industrial Application</a></li> <li><a href="">Discussion</a></li> <li><a href="">Diffusion Model</a></li> <li><a href="">Kinetic Model</a></li> <li><a href="">Team</a></li>


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     <p>The applications of nanoreactors are huge , one of them is the isolation of specific reactions to avoid the metabolits of undesired products , and provide ideal conditions for enzymatic reactions.

<br></br> There are treatments in the medical area to reduce the uric acid in the body ,this consist in the iv administration of the uricase .this procedure is effective but it presents several adverse effects , the more important are the hipersensivity reactions , unlike this method the bionanoreactor isolates the enzymes so they will not be recognized by the leukocytes. <br></br> The high concentration of uric acid can cause acute renal diseases like the gote . the accumulation of this metabolite is due to the low solubility , this cause that in the filtration process , the metabolite is reabsorbed in a cyclic way , due to his phenomenon the urine has a low ph and the uric acid precipitates in the form of crystals. <br></br> We expect to place the nanoreactor in the afferent glomerular arterie wich is the one that transport the blood that will be filtered by the nephron , avoiding that the acid uric passes to the glomerulus, when the uricase degrades the uric acid , the 85 % of the reaction produces allantoin while the other 25% produces oxidant products that can cause damage to the cells . this products are alloxane and uroxanic acid . it is reported in literature that if the catalase acts with the uricase, 95 to 100 % of the reactions produce allantoin and hydrogen peroxide, this is why in our project we use the two enzymes together. The function of the nanoreactor is to avoid the exit of peroxide with the lipid wall. <br></br> One of the applications of the project is the urea use from the urine to produce hydrogen with the urease enzyme , the conventional uses for the hydrogen production are expensive , with the urea use , we create a sustainable process, because we can use the urea from water waste. <br></br> Mathematical models were design to propose the behavior of the enzymatic reactions and to predict the entrance and exit of the substrate and their products .to evaluate the enzymatic reaction , we elaborate a kinetically model where the conditions where ph 7 and 37C , the enzymes present a behavior like the michelis menten equation ,in the diffusion model , the size and the porosity influence the efficacy of the nanoreactor, the smaller and porous the nanoreactor is more feasible , because the time to obtain the required concentration for the reactions is less, with this model we suppose that the smaller the nanoreactor , the transport to the reaction site will be faster, this phenomenon is due to the little contact area of the membrane with the substrate . this is why is convenient to have small and effective liposomes.





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