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Over view


Nanorobotics is very attractive field for us. Toward practical nanorobots, recent year, some nanometer-sized molecular machines, such as DNA walker and DNA spider, have been reported. We were inspired by DNA walker and DNA spider, and decided to extend these nanometer-sized molecular machines to highly functionalized molecular robot for our project. To achieve highly functional molecular robot, we thought two strategy that first one is to make giant molecular robot to be able to possess many functional molecules on them and the other one is to increase the variation of interaction between molecular robot and its environment. Thought of these two strategies, we set our goal to develop the molecular robot that has micrometer-sized body with three different modes switched according to different interaction with its tracks.


Corresponding to the different situations, DNA ciliate can switch three independent modes: the free moving mode, the tracks walking mode, the light-irradiated gathering mode.
The free moving modeis utilizing Brownian motion. We changed the size of DNA ciliate and observed the DNA ciliate movement by Brownian motion.
The track walking mode is utilizing deoxyribozyme activity for substrate. We checked deoxyribozyme activity and simulated DNA ciliate's movement on micrometer-sized track and confirmed the track walking mode by simulation.
The light-irradiated mode is utilizing UV-switching DNA. We checked the "UV-switching system" and confirmed DNA ciliate trapping at one spot.

<html><body> <a href=""><img src="概念図.png" border=0 width=400></a></body></html>

DNA ciliate body

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Three independent modes

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<html><body><a href=""><img src="" border=0 height=200></a></body></html>
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Corresponding to the different situations, DNA ciliate can switch three independent modes: the free moving mode, the tracks walking mode, the light-irradiated gathering mode.
These three modes are based on our three devices. On each of mode page, we explained how to confirm these modes.

<html><body> <a href=""><img src="概念図.png" border=0 height=400></a></body></html>

The free moving mode is utilizing Brownian motion. We changed the size of DNA ciliate and observed the DNA ciliate movement by Brownian motion.
The track walking mode is utilizing deoxyribozyme activity for substrate. We checked deoxyribozyme activity and simulated DNA ciliate's movement on micrometer-sized track and confirmed the track walking mode by simulation.
The light-irradiated mode is utilizing UV-switching DNA. We checked the "UV-switching system" and confirmed DNA ciliate trapping at one spot.

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Future works