Weiss Lab:Lab Procedures

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-20 C Freezer

As a courtesy to the inhabitants of the lower shelves of the currently very clean -20C freezer, please do not scrape the ice that accumulates on higher shelves to the lower ones.

The boxes, racks etc. on the lower shelves get buried in ice and are hard to find.

In the "Dry Lab", follow these steps:

1. In Control Panel, click on "Printers" icon
2. "Add Printer"
3. Select the 2nd option, "A network printer, ..."
4. Select the 3rd option, "Connect to a printer on the Internet..."
5. Enter in URL, "";
6. Select "HP" and "LaserJet 4100 Series PCL"
7. Let the computer find the driver and install.... If it doesn't go to Google and enter in the printer make and model and you can manually download the appropriate driver.

Autoclaved Waste

In order to minimize nuisance odors and to simplify waste disposal, a designated autoclaved waste receptacle (grey trash can) has been placed in the autoclave room on the 5th floor of Young Hall. All autoclaved nonpathogenic waste should either be placed in this receptacle or be directly disposed of in the dumpsters by the loading dock. Since a waste bin has now been provided, please do not leave any autoclaved material in the hallway. Also, always put the lid back on as to minimize unnecessary odors. This waste receptacle will be emptied out by custodians as part of regular waste disposal. If at anytime the bin is overfilled, please contact Mail and Information at extension 54219.

Any questions?

Mark Mandel, MS, CHMM, REHS
Chemical Safety Officer
UCLA EH&S/ Chemistry & Biochemistry
Extension 6-3661

Computer Access Policies

'Instruments' is the login used to gain general purpose access to many computers in lab. To obtain the password, speak to Xavier. Please do not share the password with anyone outside the group, as this may endanger our shared data.

Laurent will provider username and passwords to access User Facility computers. Therefore, 'Instruments' should not be used to log onto User Facility computers. 'Instruments' will give access to the public and Instruments folder on our server, which should only be accessed by group members. If you need to transfer data from User Facility, please consider using DVD's, CD's, USB keys, drive, etc or whatever other means in order to backup or transfer data.

Finally, the new server is now configured to be accessible by all group members.

To access these two folders, you will need to to the following:

- In File Explorer (not to be confused with Internet Explorer), go to the 'Tools' menu and choose 'Map Network Drive'.

- Enter the following in the 'Folder' box to mount the public folder: sigma.windows.chem.ucla.edu\public

- To mount the 'instruments' folder, do the same and replace 'public' by 'instruments'.

This will give you two new 'partitions' visible on your computer under 'My Computer' in Explorer. They should reappear each time you reboot, unless the server disappears from the network.

Please note that you cannot browse the network to find sigma in the Chemistry directory.

Disposing of Hazardous Waste!

The waste pickup schedule and instructions are listed on the UCLA EHS page:


When you have waste for disposal, put them in an appropriate container (the above website explains everything). Then go to http://otp.ucop.edu to print out a tag with the appropriate description. Log on with user name: sweiss and password: sweiss123. There are saved waste profiles for common wastes, e.g. Ethidium Bromide gel waste, HPLC waste, etc. Double check to make sure the description matches your waste. If not, just create a new tag. Once you've made a tag, there's a 90 days holding period for that particular container, so be sure to take care of it (ie, either take it down or delete the tag) before the 90 days is over.

Some important information: 1. Again, check to make sure your waste isn't expired! 2. Don't use abbreviations for chemical names. 3. If you have solid waste, make sure it's double bagged in a clear container.

P.S. There's a MSDS folder in the office next to Sam's desk. Everyone in the lab is supposed to know where this folder is.

Enzyme boxes

We have a third box for the lab enzymes in -20C freezer.

I've organized them so that the first two boxes are for restriction enzymes and the third box will house all other enzymes. The new layout for all the boxes is posted on the freezer.

Please put the enzymes where they belong according to the layout and let me know when we are running low.

Gel Plates

Few things to help extend the shelf-life of the gel plates (the ones used for short gels):

-- When done using the plates, please clean them thoroughly. Any remaining pieces of gel will dry up and make it very hard for the next user to remove them. Also, scrubbing them very hard increases the chances of the plate (that's made out of pretty thin glass) being damaged or broken.

-- When storing the plates in a designated drawer on top of each-other, please make sure you put paper towel in between to keep them separate. Not doing so causes plates to stick together making it very hard to pry them apart, again increasing the chance of them being damaged or broken.

-- When disassembling the gel, use only *non-metal* object to separate the two plates. There used to be a green plastic wedge for specifically this purpose by the sink in the wet lab but I have not seen in lately. If you know where it is, please return it to the basket beside the sink. If it's not there, use pipette tip. And always remember: be gentle, do not apply too much force!

Handling of Dry Chemicals Most of our stock of chemicals for biological applications are located in two shelving units above the bench my Shimon's office. Chemicals for Qdot synthesis are located mostly in a shelving unit by the Cold Room.

Please follow these guidelines when dispensing the chemicals:


-- When preparing common solutions for your work (such as gel running buffers) you do not have to use high quality water (MilliQ). Since these solutions are used in large volumes, avoiding using MilliQ will extend the lifetime of the filters. In my previous lab I was using DI water straight from the tap and it never created any problems.

-- Whenever you see the note flashing on MilliQ screen prompting you to exchange the UV lamp it does not necessarily mean that the water quality is poor. The MilliQ system is set to remind you to exchange UV lamp once a year whether that's necessary or not. So in my opinion you can still use the old lamp for at least 2-3 months longer. Post a comment Edit Comments (0)

Storage of Dry Chemicals

When storing dry chemicals please *read carefully* the storage instructions indicated on the label. I have seen some chemicals that are supposed to be desiccated just tossed into the freezer. All of these are now of questionable quality.

The desiccant pellets are available in the Store Room upstairs. There are two kinds: blue pellets (with indicator that makes the pellets turn pink when they reach their moisture absorbing capacity) and white pellets (with no indicator and thus half the price of the blue pellets). You can mix white pellets with a little bit of blue in an air-tight jar and store the chemicals this way at whatever temperature is appropriate.

Since I'm on this subject, I have a suggestion: when we order common chemicals in large tubs, can we also order the same thing in one small bottle so we can use small bottle for dispensing and re-fill it as it runs low. This way every time we order a new batch, we can start with a clean small bottle and we'll have a bit more room on the shelves with chemicals.

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