VigiLab:Lab Meetings

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Lab meeting schedule

The format is now very simple - if your name is on the calendar below, you should present your work for 30-45 minutes. With questions, discussion and lab business the meeting should take around 60-90 minutes.

If you don't have much data to present then please present a deeper introduction, showing results from relevant publications to put your work in context. You could also use the meeting to present and discuss ideas for future work (but again backed up by a review of the literature).

Google Lab calendar

<html> <iframe src="//;height=500&amp;wkst=1&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;;color=%235A6986&amp;;color=%23528800&amp;ctz=Europe%2FLondon" style=" border-width:0 " width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><br> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border=0></a> </html>
Subscribe to the calender in Google calendar by clicking this button.

To subscribe in other applications, you may need the following URLs
