User talk:Nkuldell:COPUS

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Established communities who might "rally around" COPUS and/or YoS2009

  • Educational: MIT, HMS, Wellesley
  • Scientific Societies: IBE, ASM, AAAS
  • Educators: MC at Davidson, SM at BU, PoETs, TaC, STS(midell), Office of Faculty Support
  • Advocacy groups:BioBricks, SynBERC
  • Media: MoS, BUR, OWW, MIT Museum
  • Industry: Codon, MathWorks


from Judy: One of the things that we will be doing on the website is providing an events tool kit that will help organizations and institutions to get started on particular kinds of activities. The database (which will be up and running within the next 6-8 weeks) will also allow folks to search for activity type and find best practices to emulate. Europe has been having such celebrations for some time now and one of the things that I particular like about their approach is that they bring science to the people - shopping malls, etc. So feel free to think outside the box a bit and partnering with some of the informal folk in your area will, I am sure spark a few new ideas. Have you set up any kind of Cafe Scientifique ( We are doing this now at Berkeley and it is great fun.

  • Childhood Origins of Adult Resistance to Science
    • May 18 2007 Science 996-997


  • TR at IBE 02.25.07
    • will put it on the agenda for IBE’s executive committee teleconference week of 03/03, and anticipate a positive response. IBE is a small (especially financially) organization, but this effort is very consistent with its vision.
    • followup 05.21.07
    • followup 07.11.07
  • PE at Office of Fac Support 02.26.07
    • Dr. John Durant (Director of the MIT Museum/STS?): a proposal from him last year (co-authored by the Public Service Center and Jim Paradis) for support of a "Cambridge Science Festival". Also has had experience running big science festival events in the UK and is interested in MIT doing more such things.
    • Sally Susnowitz, who heads up the Public Service Center.
    • Professor Kim Vandiver (Mech Eng and director of the Office of Experiential Learning)
  • Markos Hankin in Physics, MIT 03.03.07 (cloud chamber, 03.16.07)
  • DE re:BBF 02.28.07, email 03.03.07
    • followup rec'd 05.15.07
    • invite to participate re-sent: 05.21.07
    • follow-up again 07.11.07
  • SM at SynBERC email 03.03.07

OK'd by SM, KC and KS during phone conversation of 04.18.07

    • follow up 07.11.07
  • KJ at WC botanical gardens 03.05.07
    • great to hear from you, and to hear about COPUS, which sounds very interesting.It's right up my alley. However, I'm totally snowed under right now and am hoping I can just say yes! interested! for now, then jump in when the semester is over in May. How would that be?
  • JD at MIT Museum 03.06.07
    • Thanks for your email.I'm very interested in your project, and I suggest that perhaps we meet to discuss possibilities.
  • AM at TaC 03.08.07
    • Meeting 04.18.07, OK'd over coffee on 04.18.07 and will further contact Theological Institutes....
  • BC at Arnold Arboretum 03.16.07
    • followup 07.11.07
  • AF at Edgerton Center emailed 04.11.07,
    • met 07.07 and not interested in teaching more students but can join network of COPUS.
    • follow-up 07.11.07
  • NSTA re: Boston 08 meeting...
  • Broad: Midsummer Night Seminar Series emailed 07.11.07