User talk:AgiStachowiak
Fall 2012 Space
Current week is shown in purple.
Office hours schedule (in 16-319, with note left on my door if we move to a larger space):
week of Nov 19th: Monday, 2-3 pm ...
Spring 2012 Discussion Space
10.20.11 questions
What do you all think about the following? Please reply below in sub-bullet form (use two asterisks) and sign your work (use four tildes).
- Do you have a substantial preference for whether I use a tablet (demoed Wednesday) or an iPad (been used otherwise)? If so, why?
- Example comment here AgiStachowiak 12:54, 20 October 2011 (EDT)
- What do you think about playing music during lab hours? One student requested it, which I agree could make for a more pleasant environment, but I'm unsure how to implement the idea. That is, I'm unsure how to keep 15 people simultaneously happy with one music playlist. Would you rather play quiet music at your benches, have one louder music source, or have no music?
- I prefer the tablet since the writing is a lot clearer. Since most of what we go over in pre-lab is pictures, it makes it a lot easier to read the diagram and follow what is happening. I would like to have music played from one louder source because I feel it will be less of a distraction if we have no control over the music. Edgar Matias 13:26, 20 October 2011 (EDT)
- I prefer the tablet since the writing is legible. I have no comment on playing music. Just don't play it too loud [as in it can be heard in another room.]Cuong Q. Nguyen 15:45, 20 October 2011 (EDT)
- I did not find a significant difference between the legibility of writing. I believe that as long as Prof Agi does her best to write legibly, she should use whatever method she sees more convenient. I love music, so I am all for having music in the lab. Any kind of music is fine as long as it's good! Luis A. Juarez 12:57, 21 October 2011 (EDT) LAJ
I prefer the tablet--even if the iPad is quicker sometimes, I think the handwriting is much easier to read on the tablet.
As for music--I would suggest, if you played some for the entire class, to stick to something like classical or jazz played fairly quietly. I would even dig just a radio tuned to NPR...but that's just me. Otherwise I think it's pretty difficult to satisfy people's music tastes in a group setting--some people like pop, some don't, some like country, others don't, etc. I also think allowing each group to play their own music would get very loud very quickly since people would turn up their music if they couldn't hear it, and then another group would make theirs louder, until it got really difficult to talk to everyone and be heard.
I prefer the tablet-not only is it clearer to read, but it is easier for you to write on as well! I would say low volume music, such as classical or jazz, from one source would be okay.