User:Yuval Ebenstein
Contact Info
- Yuval Ebenstein
- 607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Rm. 2002
- Los Angeles, CA 90095
- uv(at)
I will be setting up my own lab in Tel-Aviv university in 2011
check out my lab-blog for news at:[1]
- 2007, PhD, Physical Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- 2001, MS, Physical Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
- 2000, BS, Physics & Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Research interests
I'm interested in epigenetic modifications and their effect on transcription regulation and the structural dynamics of the genome.
I try to apply advanced optical microscopy techniques to the study of DNA and assosiated proteins in-vitro and in-vivo
[: ]
Selected publications (in chronological order):
. Y. Ebenstein, T. Mokari, and U. Banin, “Fluorescence Quantum Yield of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals investigated by correlated atomic force and single particle fluorescence microscopy”, App. Phys. Lett. 80 (21): 4033-4035 (2002)
. M. Kazes, D. Y. Lewis, Y. Ebenstein, T. Mokari, U. Banin, “Lasing from semiconductor Quantum Rods in a cylindrical microcavity”, Adv. Mater. 14, 317 (2002).
. Y. Ebenstein, E. Nahum, and U. Banin, “Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy for Nanoparticle Sizing: Tip-Sample Interaction Effects”, Nano Lett. 2 (9) 945 - 950 (2002)
. E. Nahum, Y. Ebenstein, A. Aharoni, T. Mokari, U. Banin, N. Shimoni, and O. Millo, “Transport and Charging in Single Semiconductor Nanocrystals Studied by Conductance Atomic Force Microscopy”, Nano Lett. 4 (1): 103 -108 (2004)
. Y. Ebenstein, T. Mokari, and U. Banin, “Quantum-Dot-Functionalized Scanning Probes for Fluorescence-Energy-Transfer-Based Microscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108 (1),93 -99 (2004)
. E. Rothenberg, Y. Ebenstein, M. Kazes, U. Banin, "Two photon fluorescence microscopy of single semiconductor quantum rods; direct verification of two photon absorption dipole orientation", J. Phys. Chem. B, 108,2797 - 2800 (2004)
. E. Rothenberg, Y. Ebenstein, M. Kazes, U. Banin, " Direct observation of highly polarized non-linear absorption dipole of single semiconductor quantum rods ", MRS conference proceedings series, 818,M6.5.1 (2004)
. T. Mokari, H. Sertchook, A. Aharoni, Y. Ebenstein, D. Avnir and U. Banin, "Nano@micro: General Method for Entrapment of Nanocrystals in Sol-Gel-Derived Composite Hydrophobic Silica Spheres", Chem. Mater. 17, 258-263 (2005)
. Y. Ebenstein, E. Yoskovitz, A. Aharoni, U. Banin, " Interaction of scanning probes with semiconductor nanocrystals; Physical mechanism and basis for near field optical imaging", J. Phys. Chem. A, 10, 8605-8612 (2006)
. Schipper, M.L., Iyer, G., Koh, A.L., Cheng, Z., Ebenstein, Y., Aharoni, A., Keren, S., Bentolila, L.A., Li, J., Rao, J., Chen, X., Banin, U., Wu, A.M., Sinclair, R., Weiss, S., Gambhir, S.S., “Particle Size, Surface Coating, and Pegylation Influence the Biodistribution of Quantum Dots in Living Mice”; Small, 5 (1), 126-34 (2009)
. Y. Ebenstein, N. Gassman, S. Kim, J. Antelman,Y. Kim, S. Ho, R. Samuel, X. Michalet and S. Weiss. “Lighting up individual transcription factors with quantum dots”; Nano Letters 9, 1598-1603 (2009)
. Y. Ebenstein, N. Gassman. S. Kim and S. Weiss. “Combining Atomic Force and Fluorescence microscopy For Analysis of Quantum-dot labeled Protein–DNA Complexes”; Journal of Molecular Recognition (2009), accepted
. L. A. Bentolila, Y. Ebenstein and S. Weiss. “Quantum Dots for in vivo Small Animal Imaging”; Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50, 493-496 (2009)
. J. Antelman, Y. Ebenstein (equal contribution), Thomas Dertinger, X. Michalet and S. Weiss. “Suppression of quantum dot blinking in DTT-doped polymer films”; Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2009)
. Y. Ebenstein, L. A. Bentolila; "Single-molecule detection: Focusing on the objective”; Nature Nanotechnology (News and Views), 5 (2), 99-100 (2010)
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