User:Vaishnavi Ananth

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Vaishnavi Ananth
  • Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, PhD student
  • Iva Tolic-Norrelykke Group
  • Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
  • Dresden, Germany
  • Email me through OpenWetWare

I was an intern at Micrsoft Research India, Bangalore where I helped develop a high-level programming language called BioCoder for expressing and automating biology protocols. Currently, I'm at the MPI in Dresden, pursuing a PhD in Biophysics. Details on BioCoder can be found in our publication in the Journal of Biological Engineering:

<html><b><font color=red>BioCoder is now available for download <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</font></b></html>


  • 2010-Ongoing, PhD (Biophysics), Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany
  • 2004-2009, MS (Biological Sciences), Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (Goa Campus)
  • 2004-2009, BE (Computer Science), Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (Goa Campus)

Research interests

  1. Automation of Biology Protocols
  2. Cell and molecular biology
  3. Biophysics

Research Experience

  • A two-month internship at Cancer Institute, Chennai where I learnt the techniques involved in the detection and diagnosis of cancer.(May - July 2006)
  • Received the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Summer Research Fellowship 2007 to work at the Indian Institute of Science for a period of 2 months (May-July 2007)
  • This was pursued under Dr.Utpal Nath at the department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, IISc. Project title - "Identifying the amino acids of TCP4 protein responsible for DNA binding".
  • This project earned me the title of Rajiv Gandhi National Talent Science Research Fellow 2007.
  • Following this, I was invited to work at IISc for a second term as a part of JNCASR Summer Felowship 2008.
  • A six-month long project at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore under Dr.Veronica Rodrigues. Project title - “Role of Activity in the Maintenance of Larval Olfactory Receptor Neurons in Drosophila”. (July - December 2008).
  • Internship at Microsoft Research India under Dr. Bill Thies. Project title - "Towards a High-Level Programming Language for the Description and Automation of Biology Protocols". (Jan 2009 - June 2010)

Major Projects Undertaken

  • Dynein dynamics during the meiotic nuclear oscillations of fission yeast (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics)
  • Towards a High-level Programming Language for the Description and Automation of Biology Protocols (Microsoft Research India).
  • Role of activity in the maintenance of larval Olfactory Receptor Neurons (ORNs) in Drosophila(NCBS).
  • Techniques involved in the diagnosis and detection of cancer (Cancer Institute).
  • Identifying the amino acids of TCP4 protein responsible for DNA binding (IISc).
  • Metabolomics – a tool for metabolic engineering of alkaloid biosynthetic pathway(BITS, Goa).
  • The entrapment of proteins and bacteria in silica gel (BITS, Goa).
  • Genetic control of cell cycle and the spindle assembly checkpoint in budding yeast (BITS, Goa).
  • Isolation and purification of antibiotics from Antarctic microorganisms (BITS, Goa).
  • Post-translational splicing in Mycobacterium, Yeast and Pyrococcus (as a part of the course Microbiology).
  • Stem Cell Therapy for the treatment of Sickle Cell Disease (as a part of the course Biochemistry).


  1. Biocoder: A programming language for standardizing and automating biology protocols, Ananthanarayanan and Thies Journal of Biological Engineering 2010, 4:13