User:Steven J. Koch/Notebook/Kochlab/2010/09/05/Biochem (2003) Hackney et al ADP release, processivity, neck linker spacer
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Hackney, D. D., Stock, M. F., Moore, J., & Patterson, R. A. (2003). Modulation of kinesin half-site ADP release and kinetic processivity by a spacer between the head groups. Biochemistry, 42(41), 12011-8.
Other links
- Mendeley
- Contradictory Yildiz et al. paper
- confirmatory Shastry (Hancock) et al. 2010 paper
- Pages on OWW with Category:Kinesin Neck Linker Reference
- User:Steven J. Koch/Notebook/Kochlab/2010/09/04/Curr Bio (2009) Muthukrishnan, Hancock et al kinesin-2 processivity
- User:Steven J. Koch/Notebook/Kochlab/2010/09/04/Curr Bio (2010) Shastry, Hancock neck linker kinesin1,2
- User:Steven J. Koch/Notebook/Kochlab/2010/09/05/Cell (2008) Yildiz, Tomishige, Gennerich, Vale strain coordinates stepping
- From the abstract
- Long neck linker inserts decrease processivity by a factor of 3
- kinesin with neck linker inserts rapidly release ADP from both heads when binding to a MT, whereas WT kinesin only quickly releases ADP from the head that binds initially
- They use A25 buffer, which is: 25 mM potassium ACES, pH 6.9,2 mM magnesium acetate, 2m ~ potassium EGTA, 0.1 mM potassium EDTA, and 1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol
- supplemented with 25 mM KCl, so total ionic strength is 50-60, still lower than BRB80 (PEM80), but higher than Yildiz et al. BRB12
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